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The difference between our bow thruster and others is a matter of degrees. 360°. Maneuver without delay and without extra cost—with the White Gill Unit. It's the only hydraulic jet bow thruster that turns a full 360°-without projecting below the hull. With White Gill Units, you can turn a vessel in its own length. Position it broadside. Nego tiate congested docks and tight berths. Counter- act strong cross- currents. Even provide main propulsion. It's like taking your tugs with you. The White Gill Unit is especially de- signed to prevent fouling. And because the inlet is located down at the keel, it always stays under water—even in rough weather. Hundreds of White Gill Units—original equipment and retrofits—are saving time and money on tankers, tugs, oil rig service vessels, barges, research ships, salvage vessels, cable ships, and ferries throughout the world. White Gill Units are built in the United States and in the United Kingdom by Elliott, a world leader in turbomachinery. Get the greatest degree Df control you can: 360° control. Get the White Gill Unit. For full infor- mation, call (412) 527-2811 or write us for a copy of our new White Gill bulletin #Q57. Elliott Company, Division of Carrier Corporation, Jeannette, Pa. 15644. Unique design provides powerful positive thrust in any direction. White Gill. It's like taking your tugs with you. Division of r rJ Carrier Corporatbn Elliott Company Deepwater Terminal Agreement Signed Port of Galveston (Texas) of- ficials recently signed an agree- ment with Pelican Terminal Corp. (PTC) for the construction of a deep-draft channel and crude oil receiving terminal in the port. PTC is a partnership between Northville Industries of New York, and Chicago Bridge & Iron. Galveston officials are awaiting the issuance of final permits be- fore beginning dredging of the 56-foot channel. It is hoped that the project can be underway by late spring. PTC plans to ship between 750,- 000 and 1.2 million barrels daily through the terminal to the large petrochemical industry along the upper Texas Gulf Coast. Officials are aiming at an early 1982 com- pletion date for the project. Oglebay Norton Plans $56-Million Bulk Carrier -Title XI Sought Oglebay Norton Co., 1200 Han- na Building, Cleveland, Ohio 44115, has applied for a Title XI guarantee to aid in financing the construction of a 1,000-foot Great Lakes bulk carrier. The proposed shipbuilder is Bay Shipbuilding Corp., Sturgeon Bay, Wis. The self-unloading bulker will have a capacity of 60,000 tons. Propulsion will be provided by a 14,000-horsepower diesel engine. Delivery is scheduled for May 15, 1981. The estimated actual cost of the vessel is $56,421,000. If approved, the Title XI guarantee will cover $48,500,000. Gazocean Moves Corporate Offices To New York City Gazocean USA Inc., the Ameri- can affiliate of the worldwide gas transportation and trading group, Gazocean S.A., Paris, France, has recently completed its corporate move from Houston, Texas, to New York City, where it is lo- cated in the Chrysler Building, 55th Floor, 405 Lexington Ave- nue, New York, N.Y. 10017, phone (212) 867-5416. Corporate directors and officers are Carl H. Welborn, president, Giulio Romano, vice president- Operations, and Lee McGovern, fertilizers. MARITIME REPORTER A NO ENGINEERING NEWS (USPS 016-750) 107 EAST 31st STREET NEW YORK, N. Y. 10016 (212) 689-3266, 3267, 3268, 3269 ESTABLISHED 1939 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News is published the 1st and 15th of each month by Maritime Activity Reports, Inc. Controlled Circulation postage paid at Waterbury, Connecticut 06701. Postmaster send notification {Form 3579) regarding undeliver- able magazines to Maritime Reporter/Engineering News, 107 East 31st Street, New York, N.Y. 10016. Member VBPA Business Publications Audit of Circulation, Inc. No. 4 Volume 42 56 ZIDELL Maritime Reporter/Engineering News