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PU M PS UNUSED WORTH1NGTON VERTICAL SIMPLEX PUMPS 8 to 20 GPM-up to 350*. Also suitable for small boiler feed service. Steam WP 220* and 10* exhaust. for Liberty Ships EC-2 & Victory Ships VC2, AP2 & AP3. (Fuel oil service) Liquid capacity from 7V5x4xl0—3" suction—2" dis- charge— IVd" steam — I Vi" ex- haust. OAH 5'2"; OA depth 23"; OAW over air dome 2'2". Weight about 800*. Suitable $1195 WORTHINGTON 16" X 14" X 18" VERTICAL DUPLEX STRIPPING PUMP 1400 GPM @ 110 PSI - suction lift 11.5 ft. — steam back pres- sure 15 lbs. 14" Suction — 10" discharge — 2V2" steam — 4" exhaust. Overall width 6'8" — overall height 9'1 V2" — depth 3'9Vi". Wt. approx. 10,000 lbs. STEAM DRIVEN VERTICAL DUPLEX FIRE & GENERAL SERVICE PUMPS 10 X 11 X 12 - Worthington - 560 GPM @ 125* G. 8" Suc- tion — 6" discharge pumps bronze fitted. 8" X 8" X 10" VERTICAL DUPLEX PUMP Hendy design Suction 8" — dis charge 6" - 160 GPM @ 100 PSI. PRACTICALLY NEW LIDGERWOOD STEAM CAPSTAN ¥ f W ' La 8X8—125 lb. working pressure. Reversible. m f> 4 NEW UNUSED SUMP OR LOW PRESSURE DRAIN PUMPS Bronze—40 GPM @ 40 PSI. 2" discharge — single impeller—CW rotation—32" from deck plate to base. Complete with flota- tion equipment. Totally en- closed 5HP 440/3/60 1725 RPM motor. Repair parts for motor & pump included. $1450 EACH DAVIT - WINCH Mfg. by Skagit Rated 4000 lbs. (a) 80 FPM 6500 LBS OF BOAT & MAN AT 40 F.P.M. Motor: 13.5 HP - 440/3/60. Designed for V2" 6x37 wire rope. Divided drum with 2 spooling areas. Drum 8V2 wide — 4" flange — 10" diameter. Complete with level wind. Also capable of manual operation by crank in case of motor failure. Hand brake & speed limiting brake are provided for holding & lowering boat by gravity. Non-magnetic. 3 TYPE DE-2 540 GPM 187C NET HEAD 8450 RPM- 585 PSIG - 0°-200° superheat - exhaust pressure 15 lbs — NSPH 30 — typical serial 4683DE TYPE CG 2 TYPE CG 350 GPM 1880' NET HEAD 7220 RPM—311 HP. Steam pressure 580 PSIG-0°-100° superheat. Exhaust 15 lbs—typical serial #5437-CG-8- 8-33 GM 4-71-T TURBO-CHARGED 100 KW 440/220/3/60 10 WIRE DIESEL GENERATOR SET ALL VOLTAGES POSSIBLE COFFIN FEED PUMPS - ALL SIZES - TYPE DE UNIT WITH CABINET IN PLACE UNIT WITH CABINET REMOVED 100 KW 440/220/3/60 generator driven by GM 4-71-T radiator cooled turbo charged diesel. P.F. 0.80—for T-2, etc. 1800 RPM. With switchgear. Generator is 10 wire- all voltages possible. WITH SWITCHGEAR/ALARMS/DISCONNECT G.M. 3-268A 100 KW A.C DIESEL GENERATOR SETS ENGINE: GM 3-268A-6Vix7- 1200 RPM —80% power factor-electric starting. GENERATOR: 100 KW-440/ 3/60/1200 RPM —161 amps. Dripproof — open — self- ventilated. (Class "A" insulation stator — Class "B" insulation on field). EXCITATION: 2 KW DC unit- 9' 1%" long —37" wide. FOR C4-SA1-VESSELS "General" Class — like-new condition 2 MAIN CF2V CONDENSATE PUMPS Size 6X3 - 175 GPM 185 Ft. Head - 1750 RPM ALSO AVAILABLE Turbine rotors — transfer pumps — complete Turbo Generators, etc. 4-BLADE LST BRONZE PROPELLERS Starboard — 7' diameter — pitch constant 4.699: Bore tapers from 6Vq" to 45%j". 1AW taper equal to l"/foot on diameter. U.S. Navy reconditioned. Average weight 1760 lbs. PLEASE NOTE: Our Marine Dept. & Warehouse is r 250 Scott St. at McHenry — Baltimo Marine CABLE: BOSIRON—BALTIMO