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Clean Simple Odorless Clogproof Minimum Maintenance and ][t Works FAST Marine Sewage Systems are built exclusively by St. Louis Ship, America's Largest Inland Shipbuilding and Repair Firm. FAST1"' stands for Fixed Acti- vated Sludge Treatment, which is a patented biological process for removing impurities from sewage as required by law. FAST Systems are certified by the U.S. Coast Guard as Type II flow-through devices. They also meet U.S. Public Health Service and A.B.S. Require- ments, and all known or antici- pated marine standards world- wide. This unique system is extremely reliable and con- sistent in operation. It has been proven by continuous marine service since 1970. It cannot be clogged and operates with- out foul odors. Simple but SEWAGE SYSTEMS ST. LOUIS SHIP DIVISION OF POTT INDUSTRIES INC 611 EAST MARCEAU STREET, ST. LOUIS, MO 63III Company | Address City Telephone Zip . M R i EN 2/15/80 Name —Title rugged in design, there are no adjustments. It operates with minimum maintenance, low operating costs and produces superior effluent quality. Avail- able three ways: modular, com- pletely assembled or built into vessel tankage. Accommodates 3 to 3000 persons. The FAST System is also convertible to Type III No Discharge operation if desired. FREE BOOKLET: Write or call today for your copy of "What Management Needs to Know About Marine Sewage Systems, & Compliance with U.S. Coast Guard Regu- lations." Tele- phone (314) ^ 638-4000. Telex 44-7224 ST L what wmmmmmm^mm SHIP STL. Needs Know About _ Marine _ Sewacjc ' r/t>l , Sewage Systems systems St. Louis Ship Division JSSSST Pott Industries Inc. 611 East Marceau Street St. Louis, Missouri 63111 Please send me a copy of your Free Booklet all about Marine Sewage Systems. February 15, 1980 11