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SNAME Completes Boiler Safety Report In response to an increasing number of serious marine steam boiler casualties, a panel of The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers' Ships' Machin- ery Committee has completed a guide for anyone involved in op- erating this equipment, which is a compilation of significant pub- lished safety practices. It is in the form of a Technical and Re- search Report, with the title "Considerations for the Preven- tion of Furnace Explosions and Superheater Damage in Merchant Ship Boilers During Light-off." The intention of the report is to provide guidance in the form of general recommendations to all marine boiler design and op- erating engineers. Although much of the material is not new, this is the first time that it has ap- peared together in a single pub- lication. This report, prepared by Panel M-26 (Boiler Operations), con- tains sections dealing with boiler design, fuel burning and combus- tion control systems, and it dis- cusses operation and maintenance. Areas of specific considerations include air supply, fuel supply, atomization and ignition systems. Initial, as well as routine opera- tions are reviewed, and an ap- pendix on superheater protection during the critical time of igni- tion is included. T&R Bulletin R-23 (Consider- ations for the Prevention of Fur- nace Explosions and Superheater Damage During Light-off) is available from the Society at $6 per copy if payment accompanies the order. Society member price is $4. For additional information, write to the Publications Depart- ment at The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, One World Trade Center, Suite 1369, New York, N.Y. 10048. Raytheon Names Millard Commercial Marine Marketing Manager Capt. John R. Millard John R. Millard, who has di- rected marketing activities at Raytheon Marine Company since 1973, has been named to manage an aggressive new marketing pro- gram aimed at increasing Ray- theon's business in the commer- cial marine electronics markets. As marketing manager for commercial marine products, Cap- tain Millard will be responsible for all domestic and Canadian sales and marketing of Raytheon's new line of American-made 12- and 16-inch radars, improved commercial versions of the com- pany's Fathometer® depth sound- ers, and several new navigation aids still to be introduced by the electronics manufacturer. A long-time veteran of the ma- rine industry, Captain Millard is a graduate of Pace College and the New York State Merchant Marine Academy, and sailed for more than 10 years in the U.S. merchant marine as third, second, and chief officer and as master. Since then, Captain Millard has held various marketing positions with Oluf Mikkelson Co., a New York-based marine distributor; Evinrude Motors; OMC Boats, and Johnson Motors. Prior to join- ing Raytheon, he was vice presi- dent of marketing for Boatel Co., and was president of Saltair Miami, Inc. Captain Millard will head up a nationwide sales organization from Raytheon Marine Company headquarters in Manchester, N.H. One of his first projects has been the establishment of a New York sales and product display facility. Located at 17 Battery Place, New York City, the showroom fea- tures operating radar and elec- tronic navigation products for customer demonstration. We convert little ones into BIG ONES. The ship on the left (Mormacaltair) shows how the ship on the right (Mormacdraco) used to look before Todd Galveston added to her length and her value to her owners, Moore-McCormack Lines, Inc., a subsidiary of Moore McCormack Resources, Inc. The new enhanced ships are now 665 feet long—a hefty 115 feet longer then before—yet they travel at the same speed and use the same amount of fuel. If your cargo dollars want stretching, talk to Todd. Executive offices: One State Street Plaza, New York, N.Y. 10004 (212)344-6900. Cable: Robin New York SHIPYARDS CORPORATION SHIPYARDS: Brooklyn • New Orleans • Galveston Houston • Los Angeles • San Francisco • Seattle 10 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News