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ASTILLEROS ESPANOLES, S.A • has developed various designs to build ships adequate to serve all traffics and lines, whatever tonnage and characteristics of international transport may be. ASTILLEROS ESPANOLES,S.A. offers all owners six berths and one building dock in either of its four shipyards, capable to build high standard ships at competitive interna- tional prices. * m •XvXvX-:- " i'" wM*r Jl _ j K ^ CARCO LINERS BULK-CARRIERS OPEN BULK-CARRIERS MULT I PUR POSES TANKERS OIL PRODUCT CARRIERS REEFER VESSELS ROLL-ON/ ROLL OFF LPG (Moss) LNG(Moss) COMBINED CARRIERS FLOATING DOCKS Port Of Hueneme Retains John J. McMullen Associates To Prepare Master Plan The Port of Hueneme (Calif.), Oxnard Harbor District, has retained John J. McMul- len Associates, Inc., naval architects, marine engineers and transportation consultants of One World Trade Center, New York, N.Y. 10048, to prepare a master development plan for the port, in accordance with the require- ments of the California Coastal Act of 1976. The contract calls for definition of market opportunities for the Port through the year 2000. and a development of a statement of the jurisdiction of the Oxnard Harbor Dis- trict which relate to marine activity. The final report will define both a preferred de- velopment plan and a number of alternatives, the latter arising from variations in such factors as the availability of land for expan- sion and the rate of growth of port activity. Consideration will be given in the report to potential environmental problems and in addition, an economic analysis of the bene- fits of port activity to the surrounding com- munity will be prepared. The Port of Hueneme, one of four south- ern California ports required by the new legislation to file a master plan for its de- velopment, is experiencing a marked increase up on those of the previous period, as new port activities have been introduced and as old clients have expanded their operations. John J. McMullen Associates, Inc., is a di- versified consulting firm with clients through- out the international marine and transpor- tation industry. Services offered include planning, design, engineering and manage- ment consulting in connection with all kinds of marine activity, including ports and ter- minals, shipyards, naval and commercial ships and shipping systems and related in- dustries. McMullen Associates maintains of- fices in New York City, Oxnard, Calif., Washington, D.C., Hampton Roads, Va., Bath, Maine, London, England, and Madrid,