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T-2 EQUIPMENT Selected Items Listed UNUSED G.E. MAIN PROPULSION STATOR Type ATB-2-serial No. 6978272. 2300/2370 volts - 60/62 cycles — 3 phase — 3600/3720 RPM — amps armature 1237/1315 - 4925/5400 KW - 1.0 P.F. T-2 UNUSED G.E. MAIN PROPULSION STEAM TURBINE WITH ROTOR 10 Stage - 435 # - 720°T.T. Turbine complete with rotor — serial No. 109166 — 4925/5400 KW - 3600/3720 RPM - 10-stage - 435# — 720 °TT — 28.5" VAC. WESTINGHOUSE MAIN PROPULSION STEAM TURBINES 1 unit shrouded WILL SELL ROTOR SEPARATELY WESTINGHOUSE MAIN PROPULSION GENERATOR STATOR From Ex-Pecos in like-new condition. With A.B.S. COMPLETE WESTINGHOUSE 538 KW TURBO GENERATORS Complete steam end, reduction gear, electrical end. Some units recently overhauled for U.S. Government. WESTINGHOUSE 538 KW AUX. GENERATOR EXCITER ARMATURE We have both types: 110KW - 32KW - 5.5KW 110KW - 28KW - 5.5KW SPECIAL OFFER T-2 AUXILIARY GENERATOR ROTORS G.E. AUX. TURBINE ROTORS DORV-325M - 5645 RPM For G.E. 525 KW TURBO GENERATOR SETS Very little use. In like-new condition. Balanced, and with A.B.S. Certificate. STATIONARY BLADING AVAILABLE WESTINGHOUSE 538 KW TURBINE ROTORS NEW DOCKSIDE OR SHIPBOARD MOORING CAPSTANS - REVERSING Duty 10,000 lbs @ 60 FPM -'J* . W2T,! MOTOR: 10 HP—totally enclosed —fan cooled—continuous duty— horiz. flange mounted — special shaft & oil seal fitted-440/3/60 -1760 RPM. CONTROL: Marine type watertight pushbutton — forward/reverse/stop—watertight starter box. DIMENSIONS: Barrel 10" diam.—top flange 14'/j" diam.—bottom flange 16'/j" diam.—ht. of spool 16"—approx. 26" wide 8. 36" long. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY FROM STOCK G.E. 600 KW GEARED TURBO GENS. 450/3/60/1200 RPM-961 amps •JCS -type ATI-0.8 PF. TURBINE: FSN-FN-20 6-stage — 525 lbs/ )f 8250F—superheat 355°/371°F. GEAR: 10033/1200-RPM 1033 — total — 6390 lbs. steam/hr. steam flow. 9 x 12 2-SPEED ALL-STEEL STEAM WINCHES for use as MOORING WINCHES OR GENERAL USE 20,000 LBS @ 110 FPM - 7450 LBS @ 250 FPM DRUM CAPACITY: 1250' of 1" wire in 9 layers or 2200' of 3/4" in 12 layers. Weight 11,300 lbs. DRUM DIMENSIONS: 22" diam- eter—20" between flanges; flange diameter 40"; two 16" gypsies. Drum brake—contracting band type—asbestos lining- foot operated. WINCH DIMENSIONS: 12' long-8' wide —5'10" high. Reconditioned by U.S. Navy. Equal to new. 75 KW CUMMINS EMERGENCY DIESEL GENERATOR SET as removed from U.S.N. Ship "Pecos" ENGINE: Electric starting 6-cylin- der Cummins, radiator cooled, with alarms. GENERATOR: 75 KW - 93.8 KVA - 440/3/60 — 1200 RPM — 120 amps. Field circuit 125 volts —15.4 amps— with free-standing switchgear. 100 KW GBD-8 DIESEL GENS. From LST vessels. 120/240 VDC - 417 amps —stab shunt — 1200 RPM —Delco gen.-self-excited. ENGINE: Superior GBD-8 — 8 cyl — 5Vix7 — 150 HP —30 volt electric starting. Reconditioned to ABS. Dry wt 10,000 lbs-DAL 124"-65-11/16" high — 42" wide. Ht necessary to pull piston 68". Fuel consumption 0.620 Ibs/hr COFFIN FEED PUMPS - ALL SIZES - TYPE DE 2 TYPE DE-B 214 GPM 207V NET HEAD 7040 RPM — 241 HP. Steam pressure 597 PSI — super- heat 100°-300°F. Typical serial No. DEB 1-25-37 TYPE CG 2 TYPE CG 350 GPM 1880' NET HEAD 7220 RPM—311 HP. Steam pressure 580 PSIG-0°-100° superheat. Exhaust 15 lbs—typical serial #5437-CG-8- 8-33 FOR 1ST VESSELS • PROPELLERS - Port & Starboard _ Also for tugs & motor vessels • having LST propellers. 7.0' Di- ameter — 4.583' pitch. Weight 1820 lbs. Available: 2 Starboard (reconditioned) 2 port (recondi- tioned) 1 port (new). Bronze. • FIRE & BILGE PUMPS Manufactured by Gould — horizontal centrifugal — bronze. 4" Suction—3" discharge—250 GPM @ 100 PSI—2200 RPM—30 HP 230 VDC motor with mag- netic starter. • BALLAST PUMPS Gardner-Denver — bronze — ver- tical — total suction lift 15' — 8" suction — 6" discharge — 1500 GPM @ 25 lbs - 1750 RPM. MOTOR: 30 HP - 230 VDC — 112 amps — made by Century. • ANCHOR WINDLASS MOTORS Vertical - 20 HP - 230 volts D.C. • RAMP WINCH MOTOR 20 H.P. gearhead deck ramp winch motor. MATCHED PAIR 12-278A G.M. ENGINES 900 HP @ 744 RPM - 8%" x 10Mi" - 12 cylinders - VEE type on common base with reduction gear — 2.48:1—Falk—port 8. starboard. Will sell separately. MISCELLANEOUS • Bronze Triplex Strainers • Pneumatic Control Stands • Combination Lube Oil & Fresh Water Pump for Reduction Gear • 35000 CFM Fans MATCHED PAIR 900 H.P. G.M. 12-567A DIESEL ENGINES with Falk reverse and reduction gears ENGINE: 12-567A — 8'/jxl0 — VEE type - 2-cycle - 747 RPM—electric starting—serial Nos. 1041 8. 1060. GEAR: Falk Air Flex—reverse and reduction—2.48:1 forward— 2.52:1 reverse. .^OtfND THe ^ Main Office: (301) 3 TYPE DE-2 540 GPM 1870' NET HEAD 8450 RPM —585 PSIG — 0°-200° superheat — exhaust pressure 15 lbs — NSPH 30 — typical serial 4683DE