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ROSS COOLERS ALL EX-LST UNITS-FORMERLY USED WITH 12-278A & 12-567A ENGINES TYPE 1460-160 SQ. FT. 2-Pass — 15" diameter — 80" overall — 5" seawater inlet — 3" oil inlet — 5/8" tubes. Centers of oil inlets 49%". Copper shell. TYPE 848-75 SQ. FT. Single pass — copper shell — 8" diameter — oil inlet & outlet V/i" — overall length 60". DOUBLE-DRUM TOWING-MOORING-UTILITY WINCHES DUTY: 30,000 LBS @ 50 FPM 15,000 LBS EACH DRUM USING BOTH DRUMS SIMULTANEOUSLY DRUM: 22" diameter —36" face — 2500 feet of VA" wire. Equipped with spooling device. MOTOR: 75 HP —230 VDC — under-deck mounted — 262 amps —1140 RPM. Complete with all controls — mfg by Commercial Iron Works. Winch heads declutchable. OAW 16'9"-OAH 57" OA Depth 77". 7 x 10 CLYDE DOUBLE DRUM WINCH Drum 8500 lbs. @ not less than 120 FPM; 13,000 lbs. at no specified speed. Gypsy head 22,500 lbs. static pull. Foot brake to hold 17,000 lb. pull. Steam cylinders with standard 250 P.S.I. DIMENSIONS: 9' 534" wide over winch heads—5' 10V4" wide over bedplate—4' 1" deep over bedplate—6' 5" overall (brake pedal, etc.)—2" steam—2Vi" exhaust. Drums 16" diameter—20" wide— 33%" over flanges. Rebuilt by U.S.N, equal to new. 100,000 lb. Almon Johnson Constant Tension Mooring Winches Driven by CK - 575 181 amps • 18" —type 50 HP RPM — — max. NM. 1 Available. In very good con- dition. Series 232 mooring & anchoring winches — automatic self-tensioning. Wide range from 100,000 lb line pull at 10 FPM to 26,000 lbs at 400 FPM. Gypsy line pull 12,000 lbs at 125 FPM. Drum declutchable through spiral jaw clutch for free spooling. — 230 VDC motors — Westinghouse V5t hour — 75 °C rise — stab, shunt — RPM 1900. Cutler-Hammer brake — C4-S-A1 KAISER VESSEL Formerly Operated by Bethlehem Steel Co. • 3 Worthington-Moore 400 KW aux turbine rotors — seven stage — 6097 RPM — form S6 • Two main stop valves — bolier)— 600 series — 5" Crane • Lube oil transfer pump & motor with Foote Bros, gear CO. )I1 KT1ETRLS E ST. • BALTIMORE, MD. 21202 1900 Marine Dept.: (301) 355-5050 G.M. 16-278A 1700 H. P. DIESEL ENGINES Complete, clean and in very good condition. As removed from U.S. Naval vessels. 1700 HP @ 750 R.P.M. Your inspection invited. GM. 8-268A 200 KW A.C. DIESEL GENERATOR SETS * * * r ENGINE: 8-268A-6V4" bore-7" stroke-1200 RPM — driving Westinghouse generator — 200 KW — 440 volts — 3-phase —60 cycle —321 amps — 80% power factor at 1200 RPM. Switchgear available. G.M. 3-268A 100 KW A.C. DIESEL GENERATOR SETS ENGINE: GM 3-268A-6'/jx7-1200 RPM-80% power factor —electric starting. GENERATOR: 100 KW —440/ 3/60/1200 RPM —161 amps. Dripproof — open — self- ventilated. (Class "A" insulation stator — Class "B" insulation on field). EXCITATION: 2 KW DC unit — 9' 134" long —37" wide. PUMPS UNUSED WORTHINGTON VERTICAL SIMPLEX PUMPS 7Vix4xlO—3" suction—2" dis- charge—114" steam — 1W ex- haust. OAH 5'2"; OA depth 23"; OAW over air dome 2'2". Weight about 800*. Suitable for Liberty Ships EC-2 & Victory Ships VC2, AP2 & AP3. (Fuel oil service) Liquid capacity from 8 to 20 GPM—up to 350*. Also suitable for small boiler feed service. Steam WP 220* and 10* exhaust. $795 TURBINE-DRIVEN CIRCULATOR 6300 GPM at 25' or 4000 GPM at 35'. Pump-12 x 14-75 HP turbine - 600 lbs - 5 lbs back pressure — 1200 RPM. Tur- bine manufactured by Whiton — type B.K.S. Pump manufactured by Lawrence MOTOR DRIVEN GARDNER-DENVER RECIPROCATING BILGE PUMP A ' v m < 50 GPM—150 PSI—Model ALAXE -Serial No. 106335. 334" Bore — 4" stroke — 2Vi" suction —2" discharge. 51" long—21" wide -21" high. Weight 750 lbs. MOTOR: Diehl-2.5 HP-440/3/ 60—1750 RPM—3.53 amps. GOULD FIRE & BILGE PUMP EX-LST—horizontal centrifugal— bronze. 4" Suction — 3" dis- charge—250 GPM @ 100 PSI— 2200 RPM. MOTOR: 30 HP-230 VDC—with magnetic starter. AURORA HEAVY-DUTY BRONZE FIRE SERVICE PUMP Single stage — 2W suction — 2" discharge. 3000 RPM—250 GPM — 100 lb. head. Impeller diam- eter 9W. MOTOR: air cooled heavy duty 25 HP Reliance T type ON-2S-2V4 230 VDC-110 amps—stab, shunt. W r1 2000 GPM PUMP Practically new—bronze construction. 2000 GPM—337' head—bottom suction—side discharge. 8" Suction—8" discharge. With coupling. Manufactured by Frederick Pump Co. AIR-COOLED NAVY AIR COMPRESSOR DIRECT CONNECTED Manufactured by LeRoi — model M25105 —100 lbs. at 100 C.F.M.-875 RPM. Height 45"-width 48"-length 73". Driven by G.E. 28 H.P. motor—440/3/60—876 RPM —38.2 amps—type K.F.—frame 4405Y. INQUIRE ABOUT ANY ITEMS YOU NEED! Limited supply remaining