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SECTION C Survey of Classed Refrigerated Cargo Installations onboard ships in service The Sections dealing with periodical sur- vey regulations have been completely re- written and now present a new approach to the problem of inspecting and testing re- frigerating installations without opening out machinery at what may be considered to be too frequent intervals. The period between opening out refrigerating plant and the manner in which surveys are held have been revised to be compatible with modern refrigerating engineering design and oper- ational performance. In future, an Annual Survey of the re- frigerated cargo installation under service conditions is to be held at approximately 12-month intervals. (Within a period two months prior to, and two months subse- quent to, the date of survey). It should normally be possible to complete the Annual Survey without opening out the machinery, or dismantling the insulation arrangements, unless any defects are ob- served, when the surveyor may recommend the opening out of suspected items for fur- ther investigation. At intervals of four years, a Special Sur- vey is to be held as detailed in the revised rules. The Committee will give consideration to the Special Survey requirements being carried out on a Continuous Survey basis, which will normally require that one quar- ter of the refrigerating machinery and ar- rangements, insulated holds and chambers is surveyed annually. The intervals between opening out screw- type compressors will be given special con- sideration on application, and individual consideration may be given to alternative survey arrangements for all components, when there is a program of replacement instead of surveys onboard ship. At Loading Port Surveys, which are held when requested by the owner or his repre- sentative, or when carrying out an Annual Survey under service conditions, the sur- veyor is now required to pay particular at- tention to the power supply available. At Annual Surveys, the surveyor is also required to examine the Refrigerated Cargo Installation Log Book. The performance of the installation dur- ing the previous 12 months as recorded in the Log Book, especially during any period when the plant was required to operate at, or close to, maximum capacity, is to be ap- praised by the surveyor and any pertinent observations reported to the Committee. Finally, the format used for these revised rules is similar to that which will be used for the 1978 Rules for Steel Ships. New Rib-Cage Hawser Floats By Samson Ocean Systems Flotation for mooring and hawser systems can now be more effectively applied using a new Rib-Cage Float developed by Samson Ocean Systems, Inc. The new design makes it possible to se- lect and install flotation collars on single ropes and strops easily and with correct buoyancy for size and weight. The Samson Rib-Cage Hawser Floats are made of high- strength ballistic nylon with integral pockets to enclose the buoyancy ribs. When used over the entire hawser length, the rib-cage design also provides additional abrasion pro- tection for the rope. For more information, write G.P. Foster, Samson Ocean Systems, Inc., 99 High Street, Boston, Mass. 02110. September 1, T977 If you want to move air MERRIN has what it takes... And that includes centrifugal blowers, and fans that are axial flow, bracket, diffuser, exhaust and supply, oscillating (AC and DC), porthole, pro- peller or ventillating. MERRIN manufactures their own line but dis- tributes other brands as well, such as ILG and Hunter. If you need marine electrical or mechanical products, you'll be amazed by the wide range of those we handle. Send for descriptive literature CO. 1120 Clinton Street • Hoboken, N.J. 07030 201/420-1600 • N.Y.C. 212/267-8166 21 ^WUSMULLER towage & salvage 24 hour a day~365days a year 24 hour telephone service at head-office and all agencies Holland 2550-19010; London 01 -283 5665; Paris622.27.27; Oslo 563080; New Orleans 504 529-2241; Houston 713 225 -5461; New York 21 2 797 - 4870. HEAD-OF FICE: B.V BUREAU WIJSMULLER. 34 SLUISPLEIN. P.O. BOX 510. IJMUIDEN. HOLLAND TELEPHONE. IJMUIDEN 19010 TELEX: 41110 (24 hours) CABLES: "BURWIJS" IJMUIDEN Agents: U.S.A.: TTT Ship Agencies Inc., 22nd Floor International Trade Mart, New Orleans, Louisiana 70130 Telex: 810 9516276 Cables: 'Terminal' New Orleans. TTT Ship Agencies Inc., 609 Fannin Street Houston, Texas 77002 Telex: 910 8812555 - Cables: 'Terminal' Houston. TTT Ship Agencies Inc., 71 Broadway, New York, New York 10006 - Telex: 710 5813862 - Cables: 'Terminal' New York. UNITED KINGDOM: TOWAGE ft SALVAGE (LONDON) LTD.. 17 Liverpool Street, London E.C.2 - Telex: 883174 • Cables: 'Salvortug' London. NORWAY: EGIL BJ0RN - HANSEN & CO' A/S Skovveien 2, Oslo 2 Telex: 18390- Cables: 'Bjoco' Oslo. FRANCE: ASMARINE S.A., 40, Av. Hoche, 75 Paris (£P) Telex: 29542 - Cables: 'Asmarineco' Paris. *