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The Royal Viking Sea is calling... communications Passengers aboard the 22,000-ton Royal Viking can call home with ease. Via MARISAT. The re- markable new maritime satellite system, developed by COMSAT General, that links ships and offshore facilities with shore points anywhere in the world, 24 hours a day, every day. Now, from stateroom to home. The Royal Viking Line, operators of the modern 500-passen- ger Norwegian cruise ship, have linked the COMSAT General MARISAT terminal on board to the ship's internal communications. Passengers can tele- phone, or send a telex message, direct via satellite fromtheirstaterooms. Nodelays, reliable. Unlike conventional marine radio, MARISAT communications are fast, private, virtually unaffected by weather or ionospheric dis- turbances. MARISAT is connected with the world- wide commercial networks, so you get there, any- where on earth, with the same speed and quality as land communications. COMSAT General is the only company which pro- vides MARISAT telephone, facsimile and data com- munications. And the company has the largest num- ber of telex channels for quick access. Compact terminals. COMSAT General has the Ck ^Ck k mobileterminalsspecifically engineered to operate with MARISAT They're in service now on ships and offshore facilities flying the flags of more than a dozen different countries—from luxury passenger linerstotankers.tunaboatsandoil drilling rigs. Com- pact economical to operate, they are available now, for lease or purchase, for immediate installation on your ship or offshore facility. Cost-effective communications. I n add ition to passenger use, the Royal Viking Sea uses MARISAT daily for all types of company communications—to send ship operating data to her home offices in Oslo, to book passenger reservations, to arrange for pilots at some ports of call, to order fuel and supplies in advance, minimizing delays. She is the first to make high quality MARISAT communications avail- able to passengers aborad ship. Shouldn't your company be looking at ways to use the benefits of MARISAT? For more information about COMSAT General's MARISAT services, and how we can tailor them to meet your company's specific needs, call: Washington 202/554-6070 New York 212/757-6307 Houston 713/777-1359 COMSAT GENERAL CORPORATION j^f 950 L'Enfanf Plaza, Southwest Washington, D. C. 20024 COMSAT General-Communicators to the maritime world