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Dusseldorf boasts the most modern trade fairgrounds in Europe, with 1,357,663 square feet of exhibition area at ground floor level, fully air-conditioned; 10,764 square feet of moving walkways and pedestrian bridges, and 409,032 square feet of open air exhibition area. LNG-5 ... Dusseldorf Authors from 13 countries will present more than 40 technical papers to some 2,000 delegates expected to attend the Fifth In- ternational Conference and Exhi- bition on Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG-5) scheduled August 29- September 1, 1977, in Dusseldorf, West Germany. Aman R. Khan, a vice chairman of the conference and executive advisor on international programs for the Institute of Gas Technol- ogy, said presentations are di- vided into four session topics on: "The Role of LNG in World En- ergy Supply," "LNG Technology and its Economic Implications," "Financing, Legal and Policy As- pects on LNG Trade," and "Trans- portation of LNG." The Institute of Gas Technol- ogy, an energy research and edu- cation center, Chicago, 111., is co-sponsoring the conference at Dusseldorf Congress Center with the International Gas Union, Lon- don, England, and the Interna- tional Institute of Refrigeration, Paris, France. The exhibition at the Dussel- dorf Fair Grounds adjacent to the Congress Center will display ad- vances in LNG technology since 1974, when more than 1,500 dele- gates attended the LNG-4 con- ference in Algiers. A preliminary list of exhibitors includes more than 90 companies and organiza- tions from 12 countries who have contracted to display equipment and exhibits on: liquefaction at cryogenic temperatures; treat- ment of gases prior to liquefac- tion ; separation of gases for com- ponent recovery; pipelines, valves and pumps for transporting lique- fied cryogenic gases; cryogenic storage of liquefied gases; trans- porting and unloading cryogenic gases; LNG terminals; vehicles for transporting cryogenic gases; gasifying liquefied cryogenic gases; treatment of LNG; and accessories. In addition to the formal pres- entations, workshop sessions are scheduled on five topics related to the conference papers: "The Future Role of LNG in Energy Supply," "The Future of LNG Transport," "Offshore LNG Proj- ects," "LNG Operating and Re- liability Experiences," and "Safe- ty, Legal and Financial Aspects of LNG." Post-conference tours to LNG- related plants in Belgium, France, Germany and the Netherlands may be arranged September 2 or 3. In addition, a six-day motor coach and steamer tour of Ger- many may be scheduled for a minimum of 40 people, following the conference. Held under the patronage of Herr Walter Scheel, President of the Federal Republic of Germany, the conference and exhibit is be- ing organized by the Deutscher Verein von Gas- und Wasserfach- mannern (DVGW), the West Ger- man Gas Association. The exhi- bition portion is being managed by Diisseldorfer Messegesellschaft mbH (NOWEA). The co-chairmen of the confer- ence are James Kerr, chairman and chief executive officer of TransCanada PipeLines, Canada, who serves as president of the International Gas Union, and Dr. Christoph Brecht, a member of the executive board of Ruhrgas AG, Essen, West Germany. Serv- ing as a vice chairman with Mr. Khan is Prof. Geoffrey Haselden of the University of Leeds, York- shire, England, representing the International Institute of Refrig- eration. For conference information, ad- dress : Deutscher Verein von Gas- und Wasserfachmannern e.V. (DVGW), Frankfurther Allee 27, D-6236 Eschborn, Federal Repub- lic of Germany. For exhibitor information, ad- dress : Dusseldorfer Messegesell- schaft mbH -NOWEA-, Zentral- bereich 1, Postfach 32 02 03, (continued on page 13) 12 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News