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P. Deslauriers Joins ARCTEC, Incorporated prise, Ibut will actually get under way in the atmosphere of the na- tion's 200 Anniversary. The planning team under Mr. Leeds's direction is thus far com- prised of the following: Vincent Ponte of the firm of Cos- sutta arid Ponte. Mr. Ponte is North America's leading city plan- ner, well-known as a specialist in multilevel city centers and particu- larly pedestrian circulation in such cities as Montreal, Dallas, Colum- bus, Paris, France and Melbourne, Australia. In Washington, D.C., the firm was responsible for plan- ning L'enfant Plaza. Bruno J. Augenti, chairman of the board of the Marine Index Bu- reau, Inc. He is also a consultant to Ocean Systems Grumman Aero- space Corporation, and representa- tive of the U.S. Department of State as advisor to the United States Delegation Intergovern- mental Maritime Consultative Or- ganization since 1970. Thomas J. Deegan Jr., chairman of T.J.D. Management Services Corporation and a founder and chairman of the New York World's Fair 1964-65 Corporation, will di- rect the marketing and merchan- dising of the entire project, with a budget for services of $1 million over a four-year period. Paul Deslauriers Jack W. Lewis, president of ARCTEC, Incorporated, announced that Paul Deslauriers has joined the firm ,as electrical and environ- mental engineer. Mr. Deslauriers's initial assignments have been re- lated to the conduct of ice model tests in ARCTEC's ice model ba- sin and environmental studies in ice-covered waters. Mr. Deslauriers is a graduate of the University of Rhode Island, where he worked as a research as- sistant in marine zoology and chemical and physical oceanogra- phy. Bis studies included ecology of coastal areas, behavioral pat- terns of marine animals, effects of oil pollution on the marine en- vironment, deepsea currents, study of air/sea interface, and the de- sign and construction of special equipment used in these studies. ARCTEC, Incorporated, 9104 Red Branch Road, Columbia, Md. 21045, provides consulting engi- neering services in the field of cold regions marine technology, ice technology and naval architecture. Their ioe model testing laboratory is the only commercial facility in the country in which models of marine vehicles, offshore struc- tures, port facilities and pollution control device's may be tested in properly scaled ice environment. SS U.S./Ship Of State Floating American Expo Ready For April 1976 SS U.S./Ship of State, a reacti- vation of the SS United States into a world-cruising trade fair and American exposition, will be ready for launching by April 1976, it has been announced by Geoffrey Leeds, head of the private sector consor- tium which plans to acquire and convert the retired ocean liner. It will not only promote American industry in markets around the world, but will also fulfill the stated themes of the American Bicenten- nial Commission—Heritage, Hori- zons, Festivals. The principal clients among ex- hibitors on the vessel will be major American corporations, associa- tions and institutions, who will lease space on the ©hip for exhibits that will tell their story and also have a cultural and historical thrust. The project is a private profit-making continuing enter- marine e n v i ronment-sensiti ve refenfion &tredfpfent ems msts® the optimum waste-treatment system/ completely self-contalned/solid-state con- trolled/disposal options include pump-out,| volume reduction and containment and high- temperature conversion either by injection into ship's boiler or buiit-in thermal chamber/ enviromac TM designed specifically for the existing vessel with a space-cost-service profile that precludes a zero-discharge sewage treatment system/ modular components allow complete instal- lation flexibility/wide range of power requirement options/short-term sewage- retention capability for operation in controlled waters/ commidore* the ideal self-contained flushing toilet/manual and electric operation options/water-seal odor control/can discharge into a holding tank for extended service/simple, fool-proof installation/ contact: marine sales manager; telephone 203-225-3501 ext. 403 cs KOEHLER-DAYTON LittOII New Britain, Connecticut 06050 July 1, 1974 13