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Mobil Oil Corporation Promotes John Knepper John T. Knepper John T. Knepper has been ap- pointed manager, U.S. fleet in Mo- bil Oil Corporation's marine trans- portation department. He was manager, Gulf-East Coast fleet, and was succeeded by Robert F. Desel on April 1. Mr. Knepper received his Bache- lor of Science degree in marine en- gineering from Kings Poin.t in 1947 and joined Mobil upon graduation. He sailed in the fleet as engineer officer from third assistant to chief engineer. In 1956, while in the technical division, he spent two years with the N/S Savannah Project, the de- velopment o'f the world's first nuclear-powered merchant ship. He also served as senior research tech- nologist in the technical service laboratories in Brooklyn, and later as employee relations manager of the marine department before be- coming Gulf-East Coast manager in 1969. Mr. Desel received a B.S. degree in naval architecture and marine engineering from the University of Michigan and a naval engineering degree from Massachusetts Insti- tute of Technology. Prior to join- ing Mobil in September 1969, he served in the U.S. Navy with the rank of captain, holding various posts in design, engineering and construction. Mr. Knepper succeeds Arthur E. Fischer, who has become manager, relations, for the marine transporta- tion department. Two 5-Day Programs Announced By M.I.T. For Summer Of 1974 The Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Ocean Engineering has announced two five-day programs to be given at the institute in Cambridge, Mass., during the summer of 1974. The first, "Ship Structural Anal- ysis and Design," is to be held July 8 through July 12. The intent of this special summer program is to discuss several of the most impor- tant aspects of ship structural de- sign as they have developed during the very recent past. The program is an outgrowth of the book "Ship Structural Design Concepts," spon- sored by the Ship Structure Com- mittee, which is to be published this spring. It will be supplied to participants, and selected authors of chapters in the book will give lectures on the statistics of hull loadings and structural strength, compression strength of welded grillages, margins of safety, first cycle midship section design syn- thesis and applications of optimiz- ation and structural synthesis methods. This first program is under the supervision of Prof J. Harvey Evans of the M.I.T. Department of Ocean Engineering. Tuition is $400, due and payable upon notification of admission. No academic credit is offered. The second program, "Quantita- tive Methods of Ship Production Control," will be given August 19 through August 23. This program is designed for ship production planners and managers and will deal with the theoretical and ap- plied aspects of modern quantita- tive techniques of production plan- ning control, and scheduling. It is under the general direction of Prof. Ernst G. Frankel of the Depart- ment of Ocean Engineering, and lectures will be given by members of the staff of M.I.T. and selected guest speakers from industry. Tu- ition is $500, due and payable upon notification of admission. Academic credit is not offered. Further information may be ob- tained by writing to: Director of Summer Session, Room E19-356, Massachusetts Institute of Tech- nology, Cambridge, Mass. 02139. ifiagfijoann: FT -Model 2810VSF Marine Jeeps: MonArk's Rough, Tough Workboats What the Jeep is to land, MonArk is to water— with our rugged fleet of aluminum workboats. Heavy-gauge cathedral hull deep-V or hard-to- knock jo boat models are available now in stock lengths up to 40'. You'll like the way we've "thought out" our workboats to ensure a stan- dard model to meet your specific needs. Fea- tures such as all-welded aluminum construction, 5086 aluminum alloy, gas or diesel power, 4" rubber bumper, are all traditional in workboats by MonArk. Interested? Write our workboat sales manager, Frank Fletcher, or call today for more information. MonArk: quality workboats that are as tough as the men who use them. -Model 2408J Department MR P. O. Box 210 Monticello, Arkansas 71655 501 367-5361 501 367-6236 TO ASSIST YOU IN PLANNING A NEW DRYDOCK INSTALLATION, WE WILL VISIT YOUR SITE ANY- WHERE IN THE WORLD AT NO COST OR OBLIGATION. WRITE TO: PEARLSON ENGINEERING CO. P.O. Box 560008 (8970 S.W. 87th Ct.) Miami, Fla. 33156 U.S.A. Phone (305) 271-5721 Telex 051-9340 Cable SYNCROLIFT 1270 Ellis Street Cincinnati, Ohio 45223 New! All purpose cleaning tool Aurand introduces the Extended Shaft Model M cleaning tool that puts whirling, hardened steel teeth to work to solve those really tough main- tenance and cleaning problems. Double sets of replaceable steel cutter bundles increase the effective cleaning area of the tool from 8" to 13". One man can quickly clean large, flat areas of virtually any hard surface while walking upright. Use wherever removal of stubborn accumulation or buildup such as rust, scale or paint is a problem. Kits available for converting Model M tools. Write for more in- formation 91 SHIPYARDS IN 39 (tOUNTRIES NOW BUILDING, REPAIRING AND LAUNCHING ALL TYPES OF VESSELS WITH ... DRYDOCKS AND TRANSFER SYSTEMS FOR VESSELS UP TO 60,000 TONS D.W.T DIRECT SIDE OR END TRANSFER END & SIDE TRANSFER May 1, 1974 37