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SNAME Spring Meeting (Continued from page 12) The (Palmer House. Beverages will be served. No charge. President's Dinner—Wednesday, May 22nd at 8:00 p.m. in the Grand Ballroom of The Palmer House. The Dinner will honor Society President Phillip Eisenberg and all past presidents o'f the Society. Fea- tured on the program will be an address of national significance and the presentation of awards. National Maritime Day Lunch- eon—Thursday, May 23rd at 12:00 noon in the Adams Room of The Palmer House. Preceded by a gen- eral reception from 12:00 to 1Z:30 p.m. in the foyer area. Featured speaker at the luncheon will be the Honorable Robert J. Blackwell, As- sistant Secretary of Commerce for Maritime Affairs. Night at the Empire Room — Thursday, May 23rd. at 7:30 p.m. The Empire Room is one of the last of the great superior dining clubs in the grand hotel style of this century. Bobby Vinton stars in the floor show, and the Norm Krone Orchestra plays for danc- ing. Great Lakes/Great Rivers Day Luncheon—Friday, May 24th, in the Adams Room, preceded by a general reception in the foyer area from 12:00 to 12:30 p.m. This luncheon acknowledges the con- tributions made to the Society by the members from the fresh-water transportation industry. The Hon- orable Helen Delich Bentley, Chairman of the Federal Maritime Commission will be featured speak- er. Dinner Dance—'Friday, May ; 24th, the general reception will be held in the State Room at 7:00 p.m. Dinner will be served at 8:30 p.m. in the Grand Ballroom. The Norm Krone Orchestra will pro- vide dance music until 1 :00 a.m. Field Tours Registrants have a choice of three tours on Thursday, May 23rd, at 2:00 p.m. Tours will depart from the Wabash Street entrance of The Palmer House. Bus trans- portation will be provided for all tours. Tour No. 1. Electro Motive Di- vision of General Motors Corp. at LaGrange. Groups will 'be escorted through production lines. Oppor- tunity to observe the locomotive erection bay and diesel-generator sets for offshore drilling rigs-and other marine applications will 'be provided. Tour No. 2. Shipboard tour will be planned around the most inter- esting available ship or tug-barge in the Chicago area. Details will be announced at the meeting. A 1,000-foot vessel or the new 650- foot-class Lake ship—'all self-un- loaders — and the world's largest tug-barge may be included. Tour No. 3. Chicago River Launch tour starts at Michigan Avenue bridge on special glass cov- ered river launches. The launch will enter the Chicago lock to Lake Michigan and the Navy Pier where ocean ships load. The Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal and the beautiful Chicago River Gateway to the Loop will be included. Steering Committee—• This out- standing program was planned un- der the chairmanship of John L. Horton, assisted by Carlton E. Tripp, vice-chairman and George H. Plude as secretary-treasurer. The balance o'f the Steering Com- mittee is as follows: finance Rich- ard B. Couch, chairman assisted by Robert M. Fraser, George H. Plude, and Arthur J. Zuehlke; papers and technical sessions Har- ry Benford, chairman, John .B. Woodward III, vice-chairman, Robert H. Miller, Robert J. Pat- rick, Richard H. Suehrstedt, and William E. Zimmie; program co- ordinator John K. Stuart; ladies committee, Mrs. John K. Stuart, chairman, Mrs. Edgar M. Jacobsen, Mrs. Richard A. Steam, Mrs. Rich- ard C.G. Sorenson, and Mrs. Law- rence J. Sundlie; registration, Rich- ard A. Nielsen; field tours, Leo J. Fredette and Lawrence J. Sundlie, co-chairmen. Assisting the steer- ing committee Harry H. Kendall, Gordon Stafford, Richard A. Stearn, Benjamin F. Tracy, Jr. and Trevor White. iswmns IraMMH Magnavox Satellite Navigation & Doppler Sonar Docking Systems are already guiding HHUBI mmm spSBBSSS MSbs 'smrn^m^mmi 14 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News