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Through the Northwest Passage in a herring boat* Not very long ago, a specially constructed icebreaker-tanker made headlines when it traversed the Northwest Passage. Sixty-four years ago. Roald Amundsen did the same thing in a herring boat the Gjoa. Amundsen and his party left Greenland in August 1903 with enough supplies to last four years. On September 1st they struck an unmarked reef, and though they had to jettison five tons of supplies, they continued. They spent the winter of 1903-04 doing scientific research around the magnetic North Pole. Month after month they continued through ice, fearful storms, and sometimes through water so shallow that, Amundsen reports, the ship seemed to be travelling over a plowed field. On August 17th. 1905. the Gjoa dropped anchor off the cape of Colbome. They had successfully made the trip through the Northwest Passage. But they still had a thousand miles to go to reach their ultimate destination. It was August 30. 1906 when they reached the northern entrance to the Bering Sea and one of the great exploration voyages of history was over. This advertisement, prepared by Gulf Oil. a lead- ing supplier of quality marine fuels and lubricants, is one of a series paying tribute to the great ex- plorers of the sea. It is published in the interest of the shipping industry and those associated with it GULF OIL TRADING COMPANY. NEW YORK. NY. US.A. ^aMAM-