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Wallach To Head Colt's Power And Fluid Systems Group Colt Industries has announced the appointment of Philip Wallach as vice president of Colt Industries and group executive of the Power and Fluid Systems Group. Mr. Wallach has been president of the group's Fairbanks Morse Power Systems Division in Beloit, Wis., since 1969, and this division will be part of the group he will manage. The group will also in- clude the Fairbanks Morse Pump Division, Quincy Compressor Divi- sion, Central Moloney Transform- er Division, Colt Utility Sales Divi- sion, Engine Accessories Opera- tion, and the Beloit Research Cen- ter. Mr. Wallach has been in the en- gine industry since 1950, in opera- tion engineering and sales. His background includes an engineer- ing degree from the United States Merchant Marine Academy at Kings Point, N.Y. He also is a licensed marine engineer and. at- tended the graduate schools of die- sel engineering at North Carolina State College, and Business Admin- istration at New York University. Mr. Wallach served in the United States merchant marine and in the U.S. Navy as an engineering officer in the shipbuilding and ship repair programs. He is presently a mem- ber of The Society of Naval Ar- chitects and Marine Engineers, Society of Naval Engineers, Pro- peller Club, Whitehall Club, and the Economic Club of New York. PROTECTO-HULL, developed by HUGHES, produced by prevents costly lay-ups and repairs! Once installed, PROTECTO-HULL fenders are on to stay. Bonded to a steel plate the units are welded to the hull. They won't fall off, can't be sheared off. Performance-tested more than two years, they've proven their worth and their permanence. Easy to install on existing craft or during con- struction. For details, phone or write: HUGHES BROS., INC. 17 Battery Place, New York, N.Y. 10004 • Tel. (212) 944 1048 CLEARING HOUSE FOR MARINE DIFFICULTIES SINCE 1894 Philip Wallach The Power and Fluid Systems Group is a leading supplier of ma- terials, components, and systems to the electric utility and marine in- dustries, as well as many other in- dustrial equipment users. Products of the group include distribution and main line transformers, air compressors, pumps, electric motors and generators, desalting and ma- rine sewage equipment, and diesel, gas and dual fuel engines for ma- rine utility and industrial applica- tions. Mr. Wallach joined the Power Systems Division in 1967 as vice president/marketing. He had been in sales management with the Nordberg Manufacturing Com- pany. The group headquarters will be established at the Colt Indus- tries plant in Beloit, Wise. Ogden Corporation Elects Russo Treasurer James M. Russo The election of James M. Russo as treasurer of the Ogden Corpora- tion has been announced by Ralph E. Ablon, Ogden chairman and chief executive officer. Mr. Russo joins Ogden after hav- ing served as assistant treasurer of the Continental Can Company from July 1969 until the present. Before that, he was with the Irving Trust Company for 10 years, where he had been assistant vice president. A graduate of the Bernard Barueh School of Business Administration of the City College of New York, Mr. Russo holds an M.B.A. degree in corporate financial management from New York University Gradu- ate Business School. He is a mem- ber of the financial management committee of the New York chap- ter of the Financial Executives In- stitute, and has conducted seminars on cash management for the Amer- ican Management Association. 16 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News