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Tear out this ad and save it •^"•iNtjf 'r I"1"". WHEN YOU'RE READY TO FIGHT WATER POLLUTION CALL US! Oil in our waterways cart kill. Kill fish and plant life. Even kill the recreational potential of both water and shoreline. And, that makes leaky, oil-lubricated bearings potential killers. But, it can't happen when your stern tube and strut bearings are B. F. Good- rich Cutless Rubber-Bearings, They're ^^^ water lubricated. They never touch a drop of oil or grease. Unless. ^ of course, it's already in the tmamfY water. -—— | Cutless Bearings give any |g _ ••/ boat a clean, non-polluting J wake for years to come, too— y/with very little maintenance. \ / Some of them have been doing that for over 35 years with nothing more than infrequent rubber lining changeouts. With Cutless, your good environmental citizenship pays off in longer bearing life, lower operating and maintenance costs and more time on the water. Sign on as a non-polluter, today. Sim- ply call or write us and say Cutless ... .. BEGoodrich f JP 'i LUCIAN CUTLESS BEARINGS MOFflTTINC. Vi NATION*I and INTERNATIONAL DISTRIBUTOR P.O Bok 1415 AKRON. OHIO 4430