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ALL C-L COUPLINGS ARE GUARANTEED AGAINST DE- FECTS IN MATERIAL AND WORKMANSHIP FOR 5 YEARS ON A PRO-RATED BASIS. jw „ «•> THE EXCEPTIONS TO THIS GUARANTEE ARE "O" RINGS. ALL GUARANTEED EQUIP- MENT SHOULD BE RE- TURNED TO THE CAMLOCK FLANGE SALES CORP. FOR INSPECTION, AND CREDITS WILL BE ISSUED. 449 SHERIDAN BOULEVARD, INWOOD, NEW YORK 11696 (212) 327-3430 CABLE ADDRESS: MAMCAF INWOODNASSAUCONY TELEX: 12-6577 MAMCAF Cam/ock Flange Sales Corp. Announces A 5 Year Guarantee AGWeser Two Companies Plan To Concentrate French Flagship Activities The boards of directors of Com- pagnie Havraise et Nantaise Penin- sulaire consisting of 31 vessels—24 cargoliners, six bulk carriers and one LPG carrier — totaling 150,000 grt, and Societe Francaise de Transport Petroliers consisting of 12 tankers totaling 410,000 grt, have agreed to concentrate their French flagship ac- tivities. Both companies belong to the Worms Group. C.H.N.P. will bring all its assets to SFTP, which will then be named Societe Francaise des Transports Maritimes, and C.H.N.P. will be- come a holding company known as Compagnie Navale Worms. The new organization will own and control vessels which will total over 2,000,000 deadweight tons by 1975. 1980, he said the nation's best hope for low-cost clean energy lies with the fast breeder: "Because of its highly efficient use of nuclear fuel, the breeder reactor could extend the life of our natural uranium supply from decades to centuries, with far less impact on the environment than the power plants which are operating today." This type reactor is considered the solution to the shortage of domestic uranium predicted for the 1980s by Chevron Shipping Appoints Walsh Robert F. Walsh has been ap- pointed manager of the traffic di- vision of Chevron Shipping Co., marine operating subsidiary of Standard Oil Co. of California, it was announced by the firm. Mr. Walsh succeeds H.M. Kimbrough, who has been given a special as- signment reporting to Chevron Shipping's president. Mr. Walsh, who has been associated with Standard since 1955, previously served the parent company as co- ordinator of foreign supply. Westinghouse Awards Newport News Ship $2.8 Million Contract Newport News Shipbuilding, New- port News, Va., will participate in the Atomic Energy Commission's liquid metal fast breeder reactor (LMFBR) program as a subcon- tractor to Westinghouse Electric Cor- poration. The Tenneco subsidiary has been awarded a $2.8 million contract to manufacture certain non-nuclear com- ponents for the Fast Flux Text Fa- cility under construction near Rich- land, Wash. Included are the core support structure and related equip- ment and services for the experi- mental reactor to be used in develop- ing breeder reactor technology. Westinghouse was selected in 1968 by AEC to design the reactor plant of the facility. In 1970, Wadco, a Westinghouse subsidiary, was created to manage development and construc- tion of the Fast Flux Test Facility and related liquid metal fast breeder reactor facilities at the AEC's Han- ford Project, Richland, Wash. When the FFTF goes critical, scheduled for 1974, it will become the AEC's major facility for irradiation testing and post-irradiation examination of fuels and materials being developed for fast breeders. President Nixon underscored the urgency of the LMFBR development program on June 4, 1971, in the first energy message ever delivered to Congress. Calling for a successful demonstration of the LMFBR by the AEC. The breeder will, in simple terms, produce more atomic fuel than it consumes and feed upon itself. The efficiency of the reactor will pro- vide substantial savings in operating cost of power plants. The Virginia shipyard was selected because of its facilities and experience in the nuclear field. The company has produced neutron shield tanks to house reactors, support and restraint castings, and other specialized equip- ment for the nuclear power industry. A subsidiary, Nuclear Service and Construction Company, specializes in servicing, testing and refueling land- based reactors, and will provide ad- visory services related to the core support and reactor installations. Newport News Shipbuilding has the unique capability of building and servicing the full range of nuclear powered ships. Contracts currently under construction include nuclear aircraft carriers, frigates, and the Navy's new "fast" attack submarine. FREE INFORMATION Please send information about the items I have circled below: 1. Mechanical towing hook 2. Hydraulic towing hook 3. Mechanical towing hook with shock absorber 4. Hydraulic towing hook with shock absorber 5. Radial towing gear with mechanical towing hook a) single towing gear b) double towing gear 6. Radial towing gear with hydraulic towing hook a) single towing gear b) double towing gear 7. Swivelling righting arm with mechanical towing hook including hydraulic retarding device 8. Swivelling righting arm with hydraulic towing hook including hydraulic retarding device 9. Mechanical retarding device to be used in con- junction with radial towing gear (item 5a and 5b) 10. Hydraulic retarding device to be used in con- junction with radial towing gear (item 5a and 6a) 11. Electro-pneumatic gear for releasing the mechanical towing hook (item 1, 3, 5 and 7) • Send me literature Attach this coupon to your company letter- ] Send me Offer heading and send it to our address. • Ask your representative to telephone for an appointment Tick where applicable Name Dept Company Address City Country seebeckwerft 285 BREMERHAVEN 1 P. O. Box 1126 • PHONE 19 21 TELEX 2 38 651 seebw October 1, 1971 31