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M.A.N.'s Research Program: Strength Analysis The components of an engine are exposed to external and internal forces. Sectional tran- sitions, notches, bores and surface roughness influence component strength which can only be accurately determined by taking measure- ments on models and prototype components: 1. At the development stage, the stress sources are determined by means of photo-elastometry and subsequently eliminated. 2. Prior to assembly, the prototype components are examined by means of strain gauges and dynamic pulsators under given loads. 3. On the testbed, measurements are taken of the actual loads to which the engine compo- nents are subjected. M.A.N, engines have their strength packed into those components which require it. This makes for a reliable and, at the same time, lightweight engine. AUGSBURG (W.-GERMANY) American M.A.N. Corporation, 500 Fifth Avenue, Room 5416, New York, N. Y. 10036