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McNeal Elected Board Chairman Of AWO Officers Reelected — New Directors Named William C. McNeal, executive vice president of Oil Transport Company, Incorporated, New Or- leans, La., was elected chairman of the board of The American Waterways Operators, Inc. at the annual meeting of the nationwide trade association of the barge and towing industry. He succeeds Peter J. Brix, president and general manager of Knappton Towboat Company, Portland, Ore., who has served as AWO chairman for the last year. Mr. Brix continues as a director of the Association. William C. McNeal Braxton B. Carr was elected to his 15th annual term as president of the Association, which has head- quarters in Washington, D.C., and field offices in New York and New Orleans. William E. Cleary was elected to his 16th annual term as secretary- treasurer. He operates the Associa- tion's North Atlantic Regional Of- fice in New York City. A native of Altoona, Pa., Mr. McNeal has been associated with Oil Transport Company, Incorpo- rated since 1953. He began his em- ployment with the company as a deckhand, and today, in addition to serving as executive vice presi- dent, is a director of the company. The new AWO chairman was graduated from Altoona public schools and, in 1951, from Cornell University in Ithaca, N.Y. He served in the U.S. Air Force as a transportation officer in the Unit- ed States and in the Far East dur- ing the Korean conflict. He is now a member of the Retired Reserve. Mr. McNeal served as a director of the Association in 1964, 1965, 1968 and 1969. In 1965 and 1969, he served as vice president of Re- gion 3 of AWO, which encom- passes the Gulf Coast and lower Mississippi River. Mr. McNeal al- so has served as chairman of AWO's Coast Guard liaison com- mittee since 1968. In 1963 and 1964, he served as chairman of the Association's safety committee, and as a member of the legislative committee since 1965. The new AWO chairman has been a member of the Western Rivers Panel, Merchant Marine Council, an industry advisory group to the United States Coast Guard, since 1968. He is a director of the National Waterways Con- ference and a member of the traffic advisory and pollution advisory committees of the Water Resources Congress. Mr. McNeal is a member of The Propeller Club of the United States, Port of New Orleans, The Plimsoll Club, Marine Club, Delta Safety Society and Timberlane Country Club, all in New Orleans. The following new directors of AWO took office at the annual board meeting, which was held in Washington, D.C.: Jack W. Camp- bell, president, Mobile Towing Company, Mobile, Ala.; J.R. Fer- guson, transportation manager, Tenneco Oil Company, Houston, Texas; Howard Guttman, of Mon River Towing, Inc., Belle Vernon, Pa.; Bruce D. Hobbs, president and general manager, Albina En- gine and Machine Works, a divi- sion of Dillingham Corporation, Portland, Ore.; Ralph W. Hooper, of Interstate Oil Transport Co., Philadelphia, Pa.; E.H. Jensen, vice president of Supply and Dis- tribution, Standard Oil Company (Kentucky), Louisville, Ky.; John H. Lee, president, Alaska Hydro- Train, Seattle, Wash.; Glen W. Maxon Jr., executive vice presi- dent, Maxon Corporation, Dayton, Ohio; Jack D. Minkler, vice presi- dent of administration, Foss Launch & Tug Co., Seattle, Wash.; Thomas E. Moran, president, Mo- ran Towing Corporation, New York, N.Y.; Arthur A. Riedel, president, Willamette Tug & Barge Co., a division of Willa- mette-Western Corp., Portland, Ore.; Ed A. Smith, president, Ala- mo Barge Lines, Houston, Texas; T.J. Stahl, of A.L. Mechling Barge Lines Inc., New Orleans, La., and William J. Wolter, president, Waterfront Services Co., Cairo, 111. The AWO board is made up of 47 water carrier executives from throughout the United States. Re-elected to the board were: Capt. J.R. Ayers Jr., vice president, Loumiet Enterpries, Inc., Harvey, La.; Capt. C.V. Gearin, manager, Inland Waterways Operations, Ma- rine Transportation Department, Mobil Oil Corporation, New York, N.Y.; A. Giallorenzi, Marine De- partment, Humble Oil & Refining Company, Bayonne, N.J.; James P. McAllister, president, McAllis- ter Lighterage Line, Inc., New York, N.Y.; F.A. Mechling, execu- tive vice president, A.L. Mechling Barge Lines Inc., Joliet, 111.; Jerry L. Page, president, Southern Barge Line Corporation, Paducah, Ky.; Capt. William S. Streckfus, vice president, Streckfus Steamers, Inc., St. Louis, Mo.; L.P. Struble Jr., group vice president, Dravo Cor- poration, Pittsburgh, Pa.; J.W. Von Herbulis, president, Pittston Marine Corporation, New York, N.Y., and Howard A. Watters, vice president, transportation, Central Soya Company, Inc., Fort Wayne, Ind. Other AWO directors, in addi- tion to Mr. Brix, who continue in office are: F.T. Ainsworth, mana- ger, U.S. Area Marine Distribution and Traffic, The Dow Chemical Company, Freeport, Texas; Lester C. Bedient, general manager, Har- bor Carriers, San Francisco, Calif.; Jesse E. Brent, president, Brent Towing Company, Inc., Green- ville, Miss.; Francis B. Bushey, president, Spentonbush Transport Service, Inc., New York, N.Y.; John M. Donnelly, executive vice president, Ingram Barge Co., New Orleans, La.; C.C. Ellisor, Texaco, Inc., Mount Vernon, Ind.; J. Mel- ton Garrett, vice president, Avon- dale Shipyards, Inc., New Orleans, La.; T.E. Garside, vice president, Pacific Inland Navigation Com- pany, Inc., Seattle, Wash.; Capt. Noble L. Gordon, president, Mid- South Towing Company, Tampa, Fla.; Walter F. Hagestad, execu- tive vice president, Canal Barge Company, Inc., New Orleans, La.; Robert J. Hughes, president, James Hughes, Inc., New York, N.Y.; John W. Lambert, president, Twin City Barge & Towing Company St. Paul, Minn.; William E. Law, president, Allied Towing Corpo- ration, Norfolk, Va.; M.E. Midg- ley, executive vice president, Nilo Barge Line, Inc., St. Louis, Mo.; Capt. C.C. Rasmussen, president and general manager, Bay and Riv- er Navigation Company, Rich- mond, Calif.; Edward Renshaw, president, St. Louis Ship, St. Lou- is, Mo.; Thomas J. Rohs, vice president-treasurer, M/G Trans- port Service, Inc., Cincinnati, Ohio ; William R. Saul, president, Steuart Transportation Company, Piney Point, Md.; George H. Shaver, ex- ecutive vice president, Shaver Transportation Company, Port- land, Ore.; Frank P. Silliman, president, Hillman Transportation Company, Pittsburgh, Pa., and Paul Walker, president, Walker Boat Yard, Inc., Paducah, Ky. Paper On Contrarotating Propellers Presented At SNAME Chesapeake Meeting Attending the Chesapeake Section meeting were: (seated, left to right) F. Ebel, R. Schu- bert and R. Falls, all of the Maritime Administration; (standing, left to right) J. Strom- Tejsen, Naval Ship Research and Development Center; P. Eisenberg, Hydronautics, Inc.; M. Pitkin, Maritime Administration; R. Mende, national secretary of SNAME, and L. Hoffman, Maritime Administration. Over 100 members and guests at- tended the fifth scheduled meeting of the season for the Chesapeake Section of The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers which was held at the Washing- ton Navy Yard Officer's Club on February 11, 1971. Included among the guests for the buffet dinner and technical session was Robert G. Mende, secretary of the Society. Following the dinner, Philip Ei- senberg, chairman of the Chesa- peake Section, introduced Capt. Richard T. Miller, USN (ret.), who presented an overview of the ac- tivities of the marine systems com- mittee. Mr. Mende then briefly ad- dressed the meeting, commenting on, among other things, the forth- coming spring meeting in Hawaii. The paper "A Comparison of Contrarotation Propellers with other Propulsion Systems" was presented during the technical ses- sion. This paper outlines the de- sign changes necessary for the con- version of a containership from a twin-screw power plant to a contra- rotation power plant. The costs of the two ships are compared, and an economic analysis of the differ- ences in fuel costs is given. Most importantly, the results of a series of model tests with the same basic model are included —• the original twin-screw ship, various contra- rotating propulsion tests (with a new single-screw-type stern) at different torque ratios, single- screw tests, and overlapping pro- peller tests. Three of the four authors made the presentation. R. Falls, of the Maritime Administration gave the introduction and background to this project. R. Schubert, also of the Maritime Administration, pre- sented the section on the various propulsion systems arrangements studied, while J. Strom-Tejsen, of the Naval Ship Research and De- velopment Center, presented the results of the model experiments. C.H. Gross Jr., of the Mardeg Cor- poration was the remaining author. Frank Ebel of the Maritime Ad- ministration acted as moderator for the technical session. Com- ments on the paper were given by T. Simpson, General Electric Com- pany; W. Budd, DeLaval Turbine Company; R. Kiss, Maritime Ad- ministration, and J. Hadler and R. Boswell, both of the Naval Ship Research and Development Center. March 15, 1971 19