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1943 and received his bachelor of science degree in accounting from the New York University School of Commerce in 1949. He joined Texaco's affiliate, Caltex Petrole- um Corporation, that same year and subsequently held several posi- tions in marine operations at New York, London, and Bordeaux. In 1967, he was transferred to Tex- aco's marine department in New York as manager of chartering and traffic. In 1969, he was named dep- uty managing director of Texaco Overseas Tankship Limited in London and was named managing director there a year later. Mr. Pointon attended the Prahan Technical School in Melbourne, Australia, and served as a deck of- ficer for the merchant service. He joined Caltex Petroleum Corpora- tion in 1950 and became an as- sistant marine superintendent in London in 1954. From 1956 until 1966 he held several managerial positions with the Caltex organiza- tion. Thereafter, he was transferred to Texaco Overseas Tankship Lim- ited in London, as a manager of operations, and in May 1970, he was named deputy managing di- rector. Corrosion protection case history: Fast, smooth spraying of glass flake polyester with Spee-Flo airless! Up to a gallon a minute at 25 to 30 mils per coat, smoother application, continuous operation. There are the facts reported by Jack Boynton, C. W. Engineers, New Orleans, La. Spee-Flo's model 731-314 Commander Special is the first and only airless unit capable of handling a glass filled 98% solids polyester resin. Jack Boynton says, "We've put the Spee-Flo equipment through all the tests and nothing can equal it. We like the speed of application and the easy to control gun. We've sprayed over 1,000 gallons of glass with no signs of wear." Unrestricted gun flow and freedom from pump packing also make it perfect for epoxy, mastic and zinc rich materials. If this kind of performance sounds good to you, write or phone today for complete details and an on-the-job demonstration. Texaco Names Cole General Manager Marine Department James A. Cole Texaco Inc. has announced the appointment of James A. Cole as general manager of the marine de- partment in New York. Mr. Cole succeeds Leland A. Smith, who has retired after 46 years of service in marine operations. It was also an- nounced that Eric F. Pointon has been appointed managing director of Texaco Overseas Tankship Lim- ited, a Texaco subsidiary, in Lon- don. Mr. Cole was graduated from the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy in Pictured at the January 13 meeting, left to right: R. Kiss, Maritime Administration; F. Everett Reed, Littleton Research and Engineering Corporation; F. Dashnaw, Maritime Administration; D. Strohmeier, Bethlehem Steel Corporation; P. Eisenberg, Hydronautics, Inc., and E. Scott Dillon, Maritime Administration. Propeller Failure Analysis Discussed At SNAME Chesapeake Section Meeting The fourth scheduled meeting of the Chesapeake Section of The So- ciety of Naval Architects and Ma- rine Engineers had one of the heaviest turnouts of the season. Over 120 members attended the technical sessions presented at the Walter Reed Officer's Club in Washington, D.C. Included among the guests was Daniel D. Stroh- meier, vice president, Bethlehem Steel Corporation, Shipbuilding Di- vision, and president of SNAME. During the technical session, a joint paper titled "Propeller Strain Measurements and Vibration Meas- urements on the S.S. Michigan" was presented by F.J. Dashnaw, of the Maritime Administration, and F. Everett Reed, president, Little- ton Research and Engineering Cor- poration. The S/S Michigan is a 24,000-shp general purpose cargo ship and one of five sister ships. The paper discusses the program undertaken to determine the cause of the propeller blade failures ex- perienced on these ships and on other ships of the same basic de- sign. The paper discussed in con- siderable detail the results of the program to acquire strain data on the propeller and corresponding hull vibration measurements that was undertaken by the States Steam- ship Company, American President Lines, American Bureau of Ship- ping and the Maritime Administra- tion. E. Scott Dillon of the Mari- time Administration acted as mod- erator for the technical session. Following the presentation of the paper, prepared discussions were offered by five of the attending members. OIL5PJLL ztcovetf ' \\ \\\ " ZHf't 7* Pt/zzZ. 4631 WINFIELD, HOUSTON, TEXAS 77039 Phone 713-449-0201 Branches in Hoboken, N. J., Atlanta, Chicago & Los Angeles. Distributors in principal cities. 14 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News