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Int'l Exhibitors Booked In Containerization And Shipping Expo In 1971 Strong international representa- tion is expected in the Port of New Orleans Containerization and Ship- ping Exposition, May 19-21, 1971. John Mullis, exposition director, said four exhibitors from West Germany are already booked in the exposition even though the event is five months off. He identified the West German exhibitors as the German Federal Railroads, Hapag Lloyd and the ports of Bremen and Bremerhaven. Mr. Mullis said ad- ditional German exhibitors are ex- pected to participate as well as ex- hibitors from a number of other European and Asian nations. The exposition, first of its kind to be held in the Deep South, will be held in the city's giant River- gate, one of the nation's largest and most modern exposition and convention centers. Mr. Mullis said early registration indicates that participation in the exposition will include manufac- turers of containers and container handling equipment, transportation firms, a number of ports, ship build- ers, manufacturers of electric com- ponents and various other suppliers to the maritime industry. The SAN FRANCISCO . SEATTLE • SAN PEDRO • JACKSONVILLE • NORFOLK STOCKING DISTRIBUTORS & SUPPLIERS OF THE FOLLOWING NATIONALLY KNOWN MARINE EQUIPMENT W WESTINGHOUSE", WORTHINGTON\ TERRY WHITON TURBINE, INGERSOL RAND, FAIRBANKS MORSE", CARVER". TODD CEA BURNERS", CLARK RELIANCE", DOUBLE SEAL PISTON RINGS", SEALOL-CHEMPRO SEALS", MSCO CARBON PACKING" CLCO 6340 CHRISTIE AVE. EMERYVILLE 94608 415-653-8236 CLCO 737 W. CHANNEL ST. SAN PEDRO 90731 213-833-5227 LOWE PARKER 1234 6TH AVE. SO. SEATTLE 98134 206-624-2283 HOFFERT-LOWE 1716 E. CHURCH ST. JACKSONVILLE 32202 904-354-8242 •AUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTOR—OREGON, WASHINGTON. HOFFERT-LOWE 416 ST. PAUL BLVD. NORFOLK 23510 703-622-9517 "AUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTORS. VESSEL SEWAGE TREATMENT accepted on Great Lakes! The Elsan Yarrow System of on board treat- ment of toilet and urinal wastes complies with Canadian, Port of Chicago and recent state anti-pollution ordinances. FEATURES 1 Self-contained, continuous, sterile operation. 2 No overboard discharge of human wastes. 3 Any crew man can operate. Normal toilet plumbing. 4 Accepts, treats, sterilizes and re-circulates human wastes as orderless flushing liquid. 5 Minimal quantity of sterilized effluent by- passed into holding tank. 6 Year in and year out performance. 7 Operates at atmospheric pressure. 8 Available for crews of 10 to 100. Write to U. S. or Canadian Licensees tor Clsan-Yarrow Bulletin "MR" SEAPAX, INC. J645 WARRENSVILLE CENTER RO„ CLEVELAND, OHIO 44122 JOHN MISENER MARINE EQUIP. LTD. P. O. BOX 278, PORT COLBORNE, ONTARIO, CANADA A f Here's the Fast, Economical Way to Make Slings.. .with BEAVER BRAND RIGGERS' Forming Vise! Handle 1/16" to 2W Cable Easily, Without Adapters Also indispensable for forming cable or wire rope around thim- bles or fixtures or mak- ing "U" bolt clamp or clip installations. Easy, efficient operation. Rig- id, durable construc- tion. Meets all standard federal specifications. SUPER BEAVER for V/2" to 2V2" Wire Line BIG BEAVER for %" to 1V2" Wire Line LITTLE BEAVER for 1/16" to %" Wire Line For further information, call or write: Tool & Machine Co. P. 0. Box 94717 525 S.E. 29th Street, Oklahoma City, Okla. 73109 ^ PHONE 405, 634-4148 A feature of the exposition will be an exhibit dealing with CENTROPORT, USA, a $400- million master plan for develop- ment of the Port of New Orleans over the next 30 years. The port modernization program includes a $64-million container terminal al- ready under construction. The exposition will also include a technical congress featuring lead- ers in containerization and ship- ping, as well as Government offi- cials. Sessions will be conducted each morning at the Rivergate prior to the opening of the exposition. Further information can be ob- tained by writing Mullis Produc- tions, Inc., 1840 Gulf Life Tower, Jacksonville, Fla. 32207. Whitman To Head New Transport Firm James H. Whitman The formation of a new company to encompass the international transportation activities formerly handled by Getz Bros. & Co., Inc., San Francisco, has been announced by J.W. Van Gorkom, president of Trans Union Corporation. The new company will be known as Tucor Services Inc. and will be a wholly-owned affiliate of Trans Union Corporation. It will be head- quartered in San Francisco. James H. Whitman, formerly vice-presi- dent of transportation, will be president of the new company. Tu- cor Services' activities include rep- resentation of many international steamship companies and airlines, stevedoring, leasing, movement of household goods, travel, public warehousing and marine supplies. Creation of the new company is in response to the continued growth of the company's transportation activities and the desire to establish a company fully oriented toward international transportation serv- ices, Mr. Van Gorkom said. Mr. Whitman has served in his former position since 1958. He joined Getz Bros, in 1954 as as- sistant vice-president. With the exception of service in World War II, he was associated with the Dollar Steamship Com- pany and its successor, American President Lines, since 1930. He served a variety of positions includ- ing general agent of the company's European, African and Middle East operations, general agent of the Philippine activities and finally as assistant vice-president in the San Francisco office. During World War II, Mr. Whitman served as lieutenant colonel in the Army Transportation Corps in Africa and Italy. 38 Maritime Reporter/Engineering Hews