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SHIP PARTS MARINE PARTS BARGES SALE OR LEASE ALMOST ANY SIZE OR TYPE ALSO BARGE CRANES AVAILABLE Various Whirley Cranes Available Washington / Americans Now Wrecking Victories - Hospital - C-2, C-3, Cimavis Winches plus Booms, Engine Parts Surplus Ship Parts and Supplies Available SCHNITZER INDUSTRIES 4012 N.W. FRONT • PORTLAND, OREGON PHONE: (503) 224-9900 Mailing Address: I W.U. Telex: 36-0144 PTL 3300 N.W. Yeon Ave. I Cable Schnitzerbro, Portland rLIQUIDn WRENCH Loosens rusted nuts. . bolts, parts in seconds' k**ithtnat*^ Frees parts frozen by rust, corrosion, scale, paint, varnish, carbon or gum. Safe on all metals. Available Everywhere 1 RADIATOR SPECIALTY CO. CHARLOTTE. N. C. 28201 THE NEW LOOK IN MARINE LIGHTING 6400 MARINE MERCURY VAPOR 6200 SS STAINLESS STEEL MARINE FLUORESCENT! LISTING SEND OR FACTS TODAY Destroyer Escort Aylwin Eleventh In A Series Of 27 Launched At Avondale Yard The Aylwin (DE 1081), a destroyer escort of a new class and the eleventh of 27 DE's being built by Avondale Shipyards was launch- ed recently at Avondale's Main Yard Division, New Orleans, La. Sponsor of the vessel was Mrs. Charles K. Duncan, wife of Adm. Charles K. Duncan, USN, Designate Commander in Chief Atlantic Fleet and Supreme Allied Commander At- lantic. Principals of the launching included Capt. R.J. Leuschner, USN, supervisor of ship- building conversion and repair, 8th Naval Dis- trict ; Edwin Hartzman, executive vice-presi- dent engineering and production ; Rear Adm. Nathan Sonenshein, USN, Commander Naval Ship Systems Command, and Dr. Gardiner L. Tucker, Assistant Secretary of Defense (Systems Analysis) as principal speaker. ' OILFIELD LIGHTING CO., INC. r. a MX 12M FORT WORTH, TEWS 7(101 The Aylwin, built under the multiple-year procurement contracts awarded in 1964 and 1966, is designed for optimum performance in locating and destroying submarines. Integral bow-mounted long-range sonar, variable depth sonar and gyro stabilizers provide for improved seaworthiness and increased anti-submarine warfare capabilities over previous DE's. The Aylwin is 438 feet in length, with a beam of 47 feet, and is capable of attaining speeds in excess of 25 knots. Her total complement con- sists of 19 officers and 226 men. The USS Aylwin, an escort ship, is the fourth ship of the Fleet to be named in honor of Lt. John Cushing Aylwin, U.S. Navy. Lieutenant Aylwin was commended for gal- lantry in action on August 19, 1812, when the Constitution scored her brilliant victory over the British frigate Guerriere. He was pro- moted to lieutenant on September 24, 1812 and was severely wounded during the engagement The Aylwin (DE 1081) is side launched at the Main Yard of Avondale Shipyards in New Orleans. between the Constitution and the British frig- ate Java, December 29, 1812. Lt. Aylwin was highly praised by Capt. Issac Hull for his skill in handling and maneuvering the Constitution during the engagement with the Guerriere. He was also commended for bravery in command of the forecastle division of the Constitution during her fight with the Java. The gallant officer died from the effect of his wounds on January 23, 1813. Gwynedd Equipment Supplies Engine Consulting Service A personalized consulting service on tape—- CONSULTAPE—has been introduced to the marine field by Gwynedd Equipment Serv- ices, Inc., Gwynedd, Pa. This service is available to manufacturers and customers a'ike for their mutual benefit and is offered on a subscription basis. The GES organization operates throughout North America and specializes in providing field technical service assistance to owners and operators of diesel engine equipment—not entering into competition with the manufac- turer, but attempting to comp'ement its serv- ices. To that end, GES has immediately avail- able the added simplicity of CONSULTAPE assistance for operating engineers and man- agement—to seek and receive their answers by word of mouth. The method is to place the questions on tape (utilizing a standard type tape recorder/play- er unit) while actually at the equipment site and involved in a questionable situation and then mail or telephone that message to GES or a "participating equipment manufacturer or dealer subscriber." The reply to such a taped message is then processed and returned in a like manner, providing not only the answer but a confirming copy for reference. William E. Newton, who was the assistant east coast service manager for the former Cleveland Diesel Engine Division (merged with Electro-Motive Division) of General Motors, is president of Gwynedd Equipment Services, Inc. Mr. Newton's background to provide technical assistance in achieving pre- ventive maintenance objectives stems from years of engine experience (primarily General Motors) in the marine and stationary fields. Supplementing this is an engine background with GMC Truck and Coach Division and a mechanical packing sales and service engineer- ing background with France Packing (a Gar- lock subsidiary). Further information concerning this new CONSULTAPE service can be obtained from Gwynedd Equipment Services, Inc., P.O. Box 37, Gwynedd, Pa. 19436. L.F.GAUBERT & CO., Inc. Shipboard Cable Navy . IEEE 45 Commercial Coaxial Cable • • Welding Cable • • Portable Power Cable 700 So. Broad St. - New Orleans, La. (504) 822-7272 Principals of the launching (left to right): Dr. Gardiner L. Tucker, Assistant Secretary of Defense (Systems An- alysis) as principal speaker; Mrs. Charles K. Duncan, sponsor of the Aylwin; Rear Adm. Nathan Sonenshein, USN, Commander Naval Ship Systems Command; and Edwin Hartzman, executive vice-president production and engineering, Avondale Shipyards. 48 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News