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Sailors' Snug Harbor Elects Wilbur E. Dow And Dr. John O. Mellin The trustees of Sailors' Snug Harbor, one of America's oldest and most unusual charities, have elected Wilbur E. Dow Jr. presi- dent of the board, and Dr. John O. Mellin, vice-president, at its an- nual meeting at the Chamber of Commerce of New York City. DE-ICING AND F r h Y;> W 1 • • • ' %' \ * Electrically healed Kearfott Window shown exposed to a 75 knot gale ivilh water sprays al —20° SINGER GENERAL PRECISION, INC. KEARFOTT MARINE PRODUCTS 81 WEST STREET, NEW YORK, N Y. 10006 SINGER KEARFOTT Mr. Dow is an admiralty lawyer with offices at 80 Broad Street, New York City, and is vice-presi- dent of the Marine Society of New York City, an organization of ship- masters which dates back to 1770. One of its founders was Capt. Ro- bert Richard Randall, also founder of Sailors' Snug Harbor, an institu- tion dedicated to the care of elderly seamen. Captain Randall's will, which created Sailors' Snug Har- bor, was drafted by his friends, Alexander Hamilton and Daniel D. Tompkins. His farm, located just north of Washington Square, has provided the income for the main- tenance of Sailors' Snug Harbor on Staten Island. Dr. John O. Mellin, reelected vice-president of the board of trust- ees, has served on the board for the past 28 years. He is minister of The First Presbyterian Church at 12th Street and Fifth Avenue, New York City. The other members of the board of trustees are: John V. Butler, Rector of Trinity Parish; G. Wal- lace Bates, president of the Cham- ber of Commerce of New York City, and vice-president and gen- eral counsel of the New York Tele- phone Company; Capt. George C. Kozel, president of the Marine So- ciety of New York City; and the Honorable John V. Lindsay. Capt. Leo Kraszeski was reelected direc- tor of Sailors' Snug Harbor and governor of its facilities on Staten Island. E. Canadian Section Elects New Officers The Eastern Canadian Section of The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers recently held their annual general meeting in Montreal. Section officers for the 1970-71 season were elected as follows: Capt. K.P. Farrell, RCN, chairman ; G.E. Kristinson, vice-chairman ; T. D. Anderson, secretary-treasurer; R. Sinclair, papers chairman; C.H. Owston, publicity chairman; J.G. German, membership chairman, and D.M. Craig, past chairman. Following the election of officers, a paper tit.ed "The Anatomy of a Collision and its Consequences" was presented by A.S. Hyndman Q.C. Mr. Hyndman's paper discus- sed the collision some years ago between the Lionel and Manchester Merchant in Montreal harbor. The presentation traced the various le- gal suits and counter suits involved in the settlement of the case. The author's wide experience in matters of marine law provided for a most interesting and informative evening. Wire Rope Blocks Described In 88-Page DRH/Johnson Catalog The Johnson Blocks Division of Don R. Hinderliter, Inc. has pub- lished a comp'ete new 88-page cata- log of wire rope blocks and acces- sories. The new DRH/Johnson Catalog '70 includes prices and data on expanded lines of crane blocks, swivels, overhaul balls, construc- tion blocks, snatch blocks, wire rope sheaves and wedge sockets, and a 10-page reference section packed with information. A comprehensive and unique 10- page reference section covers field problems and applications frequent- ly encountered with wire rope b ocks and accessories. Tables, charts, and problem examples offer solutions to such questions as how much a block or ball should weigh, choosing the diameter of a block, strength of various parts of wire rope, how to figure line parts and lifting capacities, safety factors on blocks and hooks, reference notes on sheaves, and many other sub- jects. Contact Johnson Blocks Divi- sion, Box 4699R, Tulsa, Okla. 74104 for complete information. YANKEE SHIPWRIGHTS Furnished with male V2" NPT engine connection. Other threads on order. Adapta- tions for most diesel loco- motive engines. INDICATOR VALVES Kiene valves have effective gas seal both open and closed without pack- ing or glands. Operates against pressure — will never blow open. Small and rugged — 4V4" in length with only 314" circle of space for attachments. Kiene valves give bet- ter service under the most severe conditions. Standard indicator plug and wing nut connection. SEND FOR BULLETIN V-10 KIENE DIESEL ACCESSORIES, INC. 10352 PACIFIC AVE., FRANKLIN PARK, ILLINOIS Canadian Racing Schooner, BLUE NOSE. Mounted in finished hardwood case. Model Scale—Vs inch to the foot. Length 22 inches. Price including case, $497.00. This and other finished models are de-scribed in our brochure available upon request. Please enclose 15# to cover handling and mailing. YANKEE SHIPWRIGHTS Chowens Corners • Deephaven Route 4, IVaysata, Minnesota 55391 CRAFTERS OF FINE SCALE SHIP MODELS HEATED WINDOWS Functioning All Seasons, Climates, Weathers INSTALLED on new Navy. Coast Guard and commercial vessels and on ships under- going conversion. Exceptional- ly-engineered Kearfott Heated Windows are utilized year 'round under a wide range oi climate, weather and tempera- ture conditions. The windows are manufactured as complete assemblies, ready for installa- tion in a ship's structure. Electrical energy is supplied to the conducting film by means of bus bars located at opposite edges. Current input provides sufficient thermal energy to maintain an ice-free, frost-free, fog-free window, the heating of which is controlled by a specially designed control unit containing two hermetically sealed preset cycling thermo- stats. Write for Catalog on Kearfott Windows and Wipers TECHNICAL DIRECTOR of the SHIP CONCEPT DESIGN DIVISION NAVAL SHIP ENGINEERING CENTER $35,505 Responsible for design studies and preliminary de- signs for all types of naval ships and submarines; development of design methods, mathematical models, computer programs for ship design synthesis and analysis of effectiveness and cost; R & D re- lated Naval Architecture. Recognized as the Navy's authority in basic ship design. Candidates must have a BS degree in Naval Archi- tecture and Marine Engineering plus a minimum of fifteen years professional experience; expert knowledge of naval architecture,- a thorough under- standing of marine engineering and a reputation in the profession as a leader and authority such that he is sought as a consultant in the field of ship design. Please send resume to: Mr. R. W. Smitley Naval Ship Engineering Center Prince George's Center — Room 118E (705) Hyattsville, Maryland 20282 (Please have resumes in by July 17) An equal opportunity employer 46 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News