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LNG & RISK regulation on the design, installation and operation of natural gas fueled systems for propulsion of commercial vessels and the design of novel vessels carrying or processing natural and compressed gas vessels. The working group also has been se- lected to develop acceptable design criteria to fi ll those gaps.” And, using this very philosophy, industry is moving forward with the training necessary to operate that equipment. LNG Bunkering Options LNG bunkering, according to the ABS report, can take the form of three basic options. Option 1 involves delivery from a terminal storage tank directly to the vessel, via fi xed hoses and cranes or dedicated bunkering arms. A second option might in- volve use of a tank truck which would arrive at a prearranged transfer location and provide hoses that are connected to the Night ops LNG training 34 Maritime Professional 2Q 2014 34-49 Q2 MP2014.indd 34 5/16/2014 2:55:41 PM