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MaritimeProfessional 10 | Finance Energy growth fuels M&A Activity By Harry Ward 24 | Piracy is Changing Rich energy targets bring piracy to main street. By John Barnwell 28 | Strength in Numbers 100m gt strong, IRI and RMI prove that qual- ity and safety are not mutually exclusive. By Joseph Keefe 55 | Here’s to Your Health Future Care is chaing the way the maritime in- dustry looks at mariner healthcare. By Joseph Keefe interviews 20 | VADM William Burke(Ret) Carnival’s First Chief Maritime Offi cer By Joseph Keefe 58 | William Doyle Commissioner, Federal Maritime Commission By Joseph Keefe 8 | Editor’s Note 9 | The List 61 | Statistics 63 | Editorial Calendar 64 | Advertiser’s Index (Photo: Austal) 24 58 55 20 4 I Maritime Professional I 1Q 2014 MP Q1 2014 1-17.indd 4 2/26/2014 1:15:49 PM