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Insights Small Beginnings; Bigger Things Looming Large on the Horizon The Hybrid Marine propulsion examples to date may look to serve only a smaller niche. However, many stakeholders – including this writer – see the technology serving auxil- iary power applications in larger bluewater shipping sectors and providing a solution to the emerging emissions restric- tions on marine generators. Remember Einstein’s basic theory that “Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another.” As we continue to lower ship electric power demands with variable frequency drives, LED lighting and regulated energy management systems the kilowatt load and size of the gen- erators on board that supply this power will also be reduced. Buffering that energy supply with a battery bank will serve to create a cycle where battery power can be utilized in port to service hotel loads and/or cargo loading and discharge re- quirements without burning fuel or creating emissions. The generating units may also be secured under certain at sea con- ditions – not a bad choice when you consider the emissions regulations looming just over the proverbial horizon for those ECA operating areas. Again, it is important to note that the benefi t of a particular hybrid power system is closely associ- ated with the operational profi le of the ship application. In general, the aim of a modern hybrid system or hybrid technologies will be to provide power to a ship in a manner which will be more effi cient and cleaner than traditional fossil fuel based systems. Considering the cost and effort required to install scrubbers or make the leap to natural gas, hybrid is a selection that should be considered in your business decisions. If we use the automotive industry hybrid success as the prime example, then perhaps your next ship just may be a Prius. Corvus lithium batteries in operation during hybrid en- gine testing at Northern Lights facility Seattl, Wash. Northern Lights & Lugger Engine generator engine coupled to BAE Hybrid Drive Robert Kunkel, President of Alternative Marine Technologies, is currently serving as the technical advisor to Coastal Connect, a U.S. company actively developing LNG propulsion as a maritime component of short sea shipping He is a past Vice President of the Connecticut Maritime Association, Past Chairman of the Federal Short Sea Shipping Cooperative Program and a member of the ABS Special Committee on Ship Operations. 14 I Maritime Professional I 1Q 2014 MP Q1 2014 1-17.indd 14 2/27/2014 11:46:51 AM