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Maritime Training & Security: Catching Up & Fighting Back EDITORS DESK Aquarterly business journal strives to focus tightly on individual issues andtopics in each edition. Certainly, that?s the case here at MaritimeProfessional . As we kick off our second year of publishing the youngest of New Wave Media?s four print titles, it is also a good time to look back at our Þ rst. Our initial successes have developed a sophisticated readership that grows daily, right alongside our groundbreaking maritime industry web site of the same name. The Web site counts amongits registered members more than 25,000 industry professionals, many of them blogging regularly, and who also make up the bulk of our print readership. This makes Maritime Professional one of the most interactive products on the market today. Over the course of the past 12 months, you helped make that possible. Our Þ rst quarter edition boasts increased readership and support. It also homes in on two of the most important aspects of ocean shipping today; maritime security and maritime training. The two are not mutually exclusive. As it turns out, these topics and the issues that bind them together combine many times throughout these pages to present compelling training initiatives. These and other insights, expert analyses and depictions of high-tech equipment all remind us that the security of the supply chain is just as important to your bottom line as is the safe navigation of the ship that calls on a port.Also in this edition are interviews with not one, but two maritime professionals (like yourself) who today are helping to shape the global climate that we train, work and trade with others in. This necessarily involves reacting to market trends, current events and regulatory forces; all of which impinge upon your business plans. Training, therefore, becomes especially important in context of all of that. If, increasingly, that seems like ?rocket science,? then that?s because the world we operate in is also becoming much more complex. In this edition, some of the foremost maritime training experts on the planet come together to school you on what?s new, why that?s important and where you and your employees can go to come up to speed. That?s also something you won?t Þ nd anywhere else. As the greater global economy slowly continues its tenuous rebound, the maritime industry (upon which all things depend) also attempts to do the same. When we launchedMaritime Professional magazine just one year ago in the midst of the ongoing Þ nancial crisis, we also knew that to succeed in that climate, we would have to do it right. This editorial product re ß ects that unwavering commitment, as well as your growing support. Rounded out by expert analysis of the global maritime security situation from the IMO, prominent ß ag states and quali Þ ed maritime security professionals, all of the comprehensive coverage needed by maritime professionals everywhere is right here in a publication of the same name. Firmly established with global reach and now launching our second year, we invite you to read on and Þ nd out why. Joseph Keefe, Editor | keefe@marinelink.com6 I Maritime Professional I1Q 2012