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MTRMTR 100 100technology. If I focus on technology since MTR 2013, I would select the in- troduction of the TSS Saturn. The Saturn is a complete new family of advanced AHRS and INS (Inertial Navigation and Attitude and Heading Reference Sys-tems) based on Fiber Optic Gyro (FOG) technology. This technology provides a core building block that will be the cen- ter of many products we introduce over the next several years. What market trends are fuel- ing your group? Over the past year, our stron- gest growth market centered on undersea vehicles. This is the vehicles themselves as well as the equipment that they utilize. For the Sensors Group this is DVL?s and Integrated Navigation Instruments such as the TOGS and TOGSNAV products. This includes core growth in terms of number of units as well as adding more capability to existing platforms. Teledyne CDL Ltd Teledyne CDL is a global engineering company that designs and manufactures a variety of sensors including gyrocom- passes, attitude and heading reference systems, and inertial navigation systems. In particular, Teledyne CDL has pio- neered the development of small form factor inertial measurement systems for use in subsea applications where space is at a premium, such as on-board re-motely operated vehicles (ROVs). Tele- dyne CDL also offers advanced control and monitoring technologies for subsea infrastructure and engineering activities. Pioneers of the Tiny Optic Gyro System (TOGS), Teledyne CDL also provides products that satisfy the markets inertial positioning, sensor, telemetry and navi- gation requirements through their Fiber Optic Gyro (FOG), Ring Laser Gyro (RLG), Doppler Velocity Log (DVL), and Acoustic technologies. Teledyne Geophysical Instruments Teledyne Geophysical Instruments de- signs and manufactures sensors and sensor arrays for marine oil & gas ex- ploration, high-resolution surveying of the ocean oor to facilitate pipe laying or structure placement, conducting and receiving acoustic surveillance data to identify marine targets, marine research for defense and homeland security. TGI is the largest independent supplier of towed geophysical arrays in the world, with facilities in the U.S. and U.K. Teledyne RD Instruments Teledyne RD Instruments, Inc., located in San Diego, CA, specializes in the design and manufacture of underwater acoustic Doppler products for a wide array of current pro ling and preci- sion navigation applications. Originally founded as RD Instruments, the compa-ny was formed in 1982 through the de- velopment of the industry?s rst Acous- tic Doppler Current Pro ler (ADCP), a revolutionary device capable of pro ling currents at up to 128 individual points in the water column. In 2005, RD Instru- ments was purchased by Teledyne Tech- nologies. Teledyne TSS Ltd Teledyne TSS conducts research, devel- opment, manufacturing and test in ad- dition to comprehensive customer and product support from its HQ in Watford, Hertfordshire. The TSS product range includes: Motion sensors Underwater pipe and cable location equipment Navigation solutions for the commercial marine market. Saturn is the latest range of ber optic gyrocompasses from TSS. Saturn is the latest range of Þ ber optic gyro- compasses from TSS. The range will include at- titude and heading reference, inertial and full DVL aided systems. Teledyne CDL Marine Technology Reporter 61MTR #6 (50-65).indd 61MTR #6 (50-65).indd 617/30/2014 4:30:02 PM7/30/2014 4:30:02 PM