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MTR MTR 100 100Cygnus was founded by a marine sur- veyor who specialized in the inspection of large oil carriers, when it was felt that there was a need for an accurate digital ultrasonic thickness gauge where coat-ing did not have to be removed and accurate, veriÞ ed measurements were obtained. The multiple echo tech- nique, used with oscilloscopes (ß aw detectors), was Þ rst digitized by Cyg- nus and introduced in 1983. In 1985 an underwater version was introduced worldwide. In 2012 a new diver hand held version was introduced called the DIVE. This gauge is worn on the div- erÕs wrist/forearm and features a large LED display, data logging, waveform presentation, helmet mounted display and topside data logging or topside dis-play with video overlay option. In mid-1990Õs Cygnus offered circuit- ry to be mounted on large work class ROVÕs to perform thickness testing. By 2000 Deepwater and Shallow Water units tested to 1,000 and 3,000 meters were introduced for workclass ROVÕs. In 2005 the Mini ROV system was in- troduced for the smaller observation ROVÕs. In 2009 the Deepwater and Shallow Water units were increased to 2,000/4,000 meter depth ratings. Cyg-nus has been in the forefront of design and technology to serve the need for subsea inspection by ROVÕs on off- shore platforms and subsea piping. The Tech All Cygnus gauges employ the Mul- tiple Echo Technique. This technique Þ rst developed in the 1950Õs for use with the oscilloscope type gauges called ß aw detectors. In 1983 Cyg- nus introduced the Þ rst digital multiple echo thickness gauges. The gauge op- erates by matching the timing of two consecutive backwall echoes to verify that the sound has in fact come from the same backwall. When the timings match exactly, the gauge displays a measurement. EdgeTech designs, manufactures, sells and supports a variety of standard and engineered-to-order underwater sonar systems including side scan so-nars, sub-bottom proÞ lers, bathymet- ric, combined and modular systems. The systems are available in a range of conÞ gurations for towed, deep towed, AUV, ROV, ROTV and custom platforms providing underwater imag- ing. Additionally, EdgeTech provides USBL acoustic tracking and position-ing systems, transponder beacons, deep sea acoustic releases, shallow water and long life acoustic releases, motion reference units (MRU), underwater acoustic command and control sys-tems and custom-engineered acoustic products. EdgeTech is known for its high resolution sonar imaging and un-derwater technology. In addition to a wide range of Acoustic Releases and USBL systems, it offers commercial- off-the-shelf and custom-engineered sonar systems. These systems include side scan sonars, sub-bottom proÞ lers, bathymetry systems, AUV and ROV- based sonar systems, combined and customized solutions. Most recently the company launched the 6205 Combined Bathymetry and simultaneous Dual-Frequency Side Scan Sonar. The new product offering is the next generation of bathymet- ric technology for shallow water hy- drography and benthic mapping. With EdgeTechÕs enhanced bathymetry capability and the latest lightweight packaging, the 6205 is designed to offer excellent resolution and preci- sion measurement of the sea ß oor with co-registered, simultaneous dual- frequency side scan imagery. Multiple frequency options are available to ad- dress all coverage requirements from 0 to 200m of water depth. The 6205 is a combined bathymetry and dual-fre-quency SS system with no nadir gap. CYGNUS INSTRUMENTS , INC.CYGNUS INSTRUMENTS , INC.EDGETECH EDGETECH 1993 Moreland Parkway, Suite 202 1993 Moreland Parkway, Suite 202 Annapolis, MD 21401 Annapolis, MD 21401 T: 410-267-9771 T: 410-267-9771 E: E: W: W: CEO/President: Rod Sanders CEO/President: Rod Sanders No. of Employees: 35 No. of Employees: 35 4 Little Brook Road, 4 Little Brook Road, West Wareham, MA, USA 02576 West Wareham, MA, USA 02576 T: +1 508 291 0057 T: +1 508 291 0057 E: E: W: W: CEO/President: R. Jablonski CEO/President: R. JablonskiNumber Of Employees: 100 Number Of Employees: 100 The Case: The Case: EdgeTech is a manufacturer of underwater technology solutions known for its: side scan sonars, sub-bottom proÞ lers, bathymetry systems, AUV and ROV-based sonar systems, USBL systems, transponder beacons, deep sea and shallow water acoustic releases, and customized underwater systems. 22 MTRJuly/August 2014 MTR #6 (18-33).indd 22MTR #6 (18-33).indd 227/31/2014 9:10:21 AM7/31/2014 9:10:21 AM