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Sonar Image Stabilization – A Powerful Tool The Imagenex Model 881L-GS sonar, which employs a low drift gyroscope as well as a magnetic compass, is designed to be capable of correcting for orientation changes at a rate in excess of 500 degrees per second, which allows it to com- pensate for sudden turns and inadvertent bumping or jarring. Therefore, scan lines are displayed without blurring, com- pression or smearing effects in all modes of operation, be it polar, sector or North-up. The North-up mode references the sonar image to true north when using an appropriate varia- tion input. Regardless of platform heading changes, the so- nar is able to keep the target continuously at the center of the scanning sector. Positional changes of aspect relative to the target are easily compensated by clicking the “Set Gyro Reference” button on the screen. Kongsberg Autonomous Camera Systems for OOI The Kongsberg Maritime Camera group delivered the fi rst set of cabled IP Digital Still Camera Stations (CAMDS) to the University of Washington. Designed for real-time im- aging via the cabled observatory’s Internet connection, the regional CAMDS systems will be deployed as part of the OOI at methane seep and hydrothermal vent sites deep in the ocean. They will capture images of the evolving vents and the bacterial and animal life that grows around them. Each system consists of a HD Digital Stills Camera mounted onto a Pan and Tilt Unit. Also included are LED Lamps, a Dual Laser Reference Unit, Junction Box and frame work. All components including the connectors are made of titanium so the unit can be deployed at a depth of up to 3,000m for up to a year without maintenance. Imenco and High Resolution Subsea Digital Imaging Imenco challenges estab- lished standards with the introduction of an all- digital system that it says will have considerable ramifi cations in the way the subsea industry car- ries out inspection tasks. The solution, and all of Imenco’s future systems, will be run with Ethernet using the latest TCP/IP Standard. With the ‘PC’ inside the camera rather than on the surface, cus- tomers will be able to tailor how they use the subsea system to meet their own specifi c demands using Apps supplied by Imenco or written specifi cally for their need. Imenco has designed and written the software providing greater control over the image, lower latency and the ability to deliver po- tential communications activity currently unachievable in the subsea arena. The most exciting element is that subsea devices will be able to automatically ‘talk’ to each other. Bowtech Release New Tooling Camera Range Bowtech Products released the sixth generation of its col- or and monochrome tooling cameras with 720 TV lines with improved light sen- sitivity. As part of Bowtech’s continual product improve- ment strategy, the monochrome LCC-700 has been super- seded by the LCC-720 and the color L3C-650 is superseded by the L3C-720. These sensitive, higher resolution cameras are manufactured in a Titanium housing with Sapphire glass ports and are rated for use to 4,000 meters ocean depth (with a 6,000-meter option). They have proven extremely popular with customers with 1,000s of cameras from this range deliv- ered for use in many underwater industries and applications. Marine Technology Reporter 57 MTR #5 (50-64).indd 57 6/9/2014 11:02:48 AM