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Motion Sensing SBG Systems is a leading French suppli- er of MEMS-based inertial motion sens- ing solutions. For insights of the future and direction of this niche, MTR reached out to Raphaël Siryani, co-founder of SBG Systems, for his insights. By Greg Trauthwein For those readers not familiar with SBG Sys- tems, please give to us a concise overview of the company, and precisely its position in the subsea industry? The company provides a wide range of inertial solu- tions from miniature to high accuracy. SBG Systems products address aerospace, ground, marine and subsea industries with specifi c features for each market such as subsea enclosures, DVL / INS integrations and delayed heave measurements. Our products are completely designed and manufactured In-house from the IMU to the fi nal fully featured Inertial Navigation System (INS). With more than 30% of turnover in the marine and subsea industry, SBG Systems has become a major supplier of mo- tion reference units and inertial navigation systems since its creation in 2007. Looking specifi cally at the subsea sector in re- lation to your business, what do you see as the big trends that are driving business today and in the next fi ve years? The subsea market has some specifi cities compared to the marine (surface) market. Indeed, for an AUV that either needs an INS for navigation or for surveying tasks, the power consumption as well as the system size has to be taken into account in addition to the required high level of accuracy. Reducing the power consumption for the navigation system will maximize the mission time thus reducing operating costs. Another example, with a surface vessel, if you just need a low accuracy position, you will basically use a low end GPS re- ceiver that costs a few hundred dollars. For a subsea vehicle such as a ROV that only needs a rough underwater position, you will have to spend thousands of dollars to have a super accurate position. We think that providing a cost effective solutions for low accuracy underwater navigation is a key point for ROV while for AUV, a small sized, low power but accurate device is a SBG SystemsSB Sy Raphaël Siryani, CO-founder, Raphaël Siryani, Co-Founder SBG Systems 26 MTR June 2014 MTR #5 (18-33).indd 26 6/9/2014 10:21:01 AM