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to deliver potential communications ac- tivity currently unachievable in the sub- sea arena. The most exciting element is that subsea devices will be able to auto- matically talk to each other. The software driven display system also has advantages over the typical operations in the ROV control room. Imenco’s all-digital system will allow metadata to be used correctly during the image gathering process, with the operator using menu-driven controls in the background providing the ability to write notes and attach fi les to the image directly. One of the most useful proper- ties of cameras run over TCP/IP will be the capability to potentially communi- cate wirelessly making the compatibil- ity with the idea of a subsea internet in general, and specifi c application in par- ticular, involving remote or stand-alone cameras increasingly possible. News T he Ocean Dimensions animation helps users visualize how ocean data can apply to several dimen- sions. Two new products are the Ocean Dimensions animation and Crowded Ocean Spaces: A 3D View visualization. Viewers gain a more accurate picture of marine-site confl icts and compatibili- ties, including those related to offshore wind energy development. The visual- ization helps to show that marine uses are spread out among many dimensions: the sea surface, seafl oor, water column, air column, and even the dimension of time. Marine planners and managers who take into account these many dimen- sions are better able to consider specifi c uses for specifi c locations. The animation and visualization are included on, an integrated information system that fea- tures 170-plus authoritative ocean data layers as well as offshore planning tools and technical support. allows users to create and customize marine maps, share maps and data, and address criti- cal planning details with partners. was co-devel- oped by the U.S. Department of the In- terior (DOI) Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administra- tion (NOAA) Coastal Services Center. MarineCadastrerineCadastr .gov.go 3D visualization tools for a clearer picture April 2014 12 MTR MTR #3 (1-17).indd 12 4/9/2014 12:28:54 PM