View non-flash version Marine Technology Reporter 532H Offshore, an Acteon company, has appointed Pedro Viana and Roberto Al- vim as the technical managers of its Rio de Janeiro, Brazil ofÞ ce to strengthen its management team and drive busi- ness growth. Viana was the Þ rst engi- neer hired when 2H OffshoreÕs Brazil ofÞ ce opened in 2003. He has partici- pated directly in the development of the ofÞ ce since its inception, and has sup- ported both the technical and manage-ment activities of the company. Viana has experience in a range of conceptual, front-end-engineering design (FEED), detailed design and monitoring proj-ects for many types of riser systems and complexities, and in different 2H Off- shore ofÞ ces around the world. His key project roles have included being the lead systems and lead analysis engineer for the Petrobras Guar?ÐLula NE buoy- ancy-supported riser project from early pre-FEED engineering studies through to the completion of the Þ nal detailed design. Alvim joined 2H Offshore with six yearsÕ experience in equipment design for the offshore industry. He graduated with a masterÕs degree in mechanical engineering from Pontif?cia Universi- dade Cat?lica do Rio de Janeiro in 2005. Alvim was the second engineer 2H Off- shore hired in Brazil and, like Viana, has been an integral part of the growth of the Rio de Janeiro ofÞ ce. Alvim has worked on several analysis projects, including drilling, completion and production ris-ers systems. New Management in Muir MathesonMiros AS, a producer of oceanographic remote sensing equipment and advanced Met Ocean systems, acquired Aberdeen based Muir Matheson Ltd. on Novem- ber 1, 2012 to strengthen the companyÕs presence in the oil and gas Market. Muir Matheson has supplied meteorological and oceanographic monitoring systems to the oil and gas and aviation indus- tries for more than 30 years. A change in leadership of Muir Matheson has now taken place to enhance the integration process with Miros. David McMillan has replaced the former Managing Di-rector, Andrew Stead, after a short inter- im period where the position was held by Sturla Maehre from Miros. Maehre has now taken the position as Chairman of the Board of Muir Matheson.Anderson WilliamsGeiken The 2H Management Team 2H Offshore?s Brazil Adds Viana, Alvim From Left: Sturla Maehre, David McMil- lan, Andrew Stead. MTR #9 (50-64).indd 53MTR #9 (50-64).indd 5312/12/2013 3:31:33 PM12/12/2013 3:31:33 PM