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MTR100BioSonics has manufactured scientiÞ c echosounders for more than 34 years. BioSonics Þ rst introduced Þ xed-location hydroacoustic Þ sh monitoring in 1980. Clients include hun- dreds of federal, state, and provincial agencies, research insti- tutions, and private sector entities worldwide. The Tech: The Tech: BioSonics technology centers around focused, split beam and single beam hydroacoustics. Core products are the DT-X and MX series mobile echosounders for Þ sheries and aquatic habitat assessment. Digital transducers with superior signal to noise ratio, extremely low side-lobes, and sophisticated multi- frequency, multi-channel systems are some of the unique technology advantages offered. Recent innovations include: ¥ In partnership with Liquid Robotics, development of the Wave Glider DT-X SUB Ð A persistent, long-range hy- droacoustic data collection system that is self-powered and capable of trans-oceanic surveying, with automated data col- lection and reporting capabilities. ¥ Development of entirely new echosounder system and specialized data processing/visualization software Ð The MX Aquatic Habitat Echosounder and Visual Habitat Software for aquatic vegetation, substrate classiÞ cation, and bathymetric assessment and mapping. ¥ Custom-built automated salmon counting system for the Quinault Nation utilizing split-beam DT-X technology and programmable pan/tilt aiming software ¥ DT-X SUB autonomous submersible echosounder de- ployed in SCINI ROV for Moss Landing Marine Labs BIOSONICS BIOSONICS 4027 Leary Way NW - Seattle, Wash., U.S. 98107 4027 Leary Way NW - Seattle, Wash., U.S. 98107 Tel: (206) 782-2211 Tel: (206) 782-2211 E-mail: E-mail: Website: Website: CEO/President: Tim Acker Employees: 17 Established in 1979, CARIS is a leading developer of geo- spatial software designed to cater the marine GIS community and is built on decades of hydrographic experience. The CA- RIS Ping-to-Chart solution is designed to deliver an integrated and seamless solution for the entire workß ow of hydrographic information from processing the echo-sounder ping to the pro-duction and distribution of the chart. This integrated software solution provides resource optimization and a true operational advantage. CARIS offers training sessions, consulting and technical support services, as well as an extensive series of courses to make sure that its clients fully utilize the softwareÕs capabilities. Users can also gain swift access to qualiÞ ed technical experts via on-line services, multilingual telephone support and email. CARIS is a privately held company with more than 170 engineering, IT and business professionals em- ployed in its headquarters in Fredericton, Canada, as well as in CARIS ofÞ ces in the Netherlands, the US, Australia and the United Kingdom. In addition, CARIS has a network of more than 20 worldwide distributors. The Tech: The Tech: The CARIS Ping-to-Chart product line is designed to de-liver an integrated software solution for the entire workß ow of hydrographic information from processing the echo-sound-er ping to the production and distribution of charts. CARIS software enables the processing and visualization of large bathymetric datasets, geospatial data management, spatial analysis, paper, ENC and military chart production, calculat- ing maritime limits and boundaries based on United Nations guidelines, port and waterway engineering and Web mapping and discovery. Through liaisons with the International Hydro- graphic Organization (IHO) CARIS has been closely involved in the development of industry data standards and has worked on various consulting and development projects. CARIS CARIS 115 Waggoners Lane 115 Waggoners Lane Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada E3B 2L4 Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada E3B 2L4 Tel: (506) 458-8533 Tel: (506) 458-8533 E-mail: E-mail: Website: Website: CEO/President: Dr. Salem Masry Employees: 170 Marine Technology Reporter 67MTR #6 (66-80).indd 67MTR #6 (66-80).indd 677/19/2013 11:55:56 AM7/19/2013 11:55:56 AM