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Teledyne Marine Imaging Teledyne BlueView BlueView Technologies, Inc. is the leading provider of state- of-the-art compact acoustic underwater measurement and imaging solutions for defense, energy, civil engineering, transportation, and port security applications worldwide. BlueView?s advanced sonar systems have been adopted by leading manufacturers and service providers to support mis- sion critical underwater operations. More than 500 BlueView commercial systems have been suc- cessfully deployed on ROVs, AUVs, diver hand-held units, boat mount systems, and tripod platforms. These systems have been delivered to energy groups around the world, over 25 major US port security groups, US and international navies, NOAA, and global defense contractors for a wide range of un- derwater vision applications. In addition, many AUV systems have been deployed to provide integrated gap- ll, obstacle avoidance, automated homing, and 3D imaging capabilities on most major platforms.BlueView customers enjoy a low cost of ownership with reli- able operation, exceptional service, on-site training, extensive online information, and worldwide after-sale support. Technology ProÞ leBlueView Technologies, Inc., is a leader in compact acoustic underwater measurement and imaging solutions. BlueView uses proprietary, breakthrough technology to deliver high per- formance acoustic capabilities for the rst time in compact, low power systems. BlueView has developed a broad line of 2D and 3D commercial systems that operate from 225 kHz to 2.25 MHz to meet a broad range of underwater measurement and imaging needs. Within the last year, and at the direct re- quest from multiple industry segments, BlueView has expand- ed its line of 2D imaging sonar with multiple eld-of-view options, including a breakthrough 130°.. In 2010, BlueView launched a new line of 3D mechanical scanning systems that are a quantum leap forward in underwa- ter 3D visualization and mapping. The new BlueView 3D systems deliver accurate high-resolu- tion data and imagery at levels akin to topographic 3D laser scanners establishing new standards in imaging and mapping underwater structures and areas. The rst systems are currently deployed in the energy and civil engineering segments. Since its founding, BlueView has worked closely with the US Navy to develop AUV systems for a variety of speci c ap- plications. More than 45 AUV systems have been delivered to provide integrated obstacle avoidance, automated homing, and 3D imaging capabilities on a variety of AUV platforms. Re- cently, BlueView developed a new, unique 3D MicroBathym- etry solution that provides high-resolution imagery for side scan gap- ll and target identi cation. The new system covers the region directly below the AUV, a gap typically present with side scan systems, increasing area coverage and signi cantly reducing mission Email: MTR100TELEDYNE RD I NSTRUMENTS ? TSS ? GEOPHYSICAL INSTRUMENTS ? BENTHOS ? WEBB RESEARCH ? GAVIA ? RESON ? ODOM ? BLUEVIEW ? ODI ? IMPULSE ? DGO TELEDYNE RD I NSTRUMENTS ? TSS ? GEOPHYSICAL INSTRUMENTS ? BENTHOS ? WEBBJuly/August 2013 52 MTRMTR #6 (50-65).indd 52MTR #6 (50-65).indd 527/23/2013 2:27:14 PM7/23/2013 2:27:14 PM