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MTR100The Company: The Company: Imagenex was founded in 1988 by pioneers in the develop- ment of high-resolution imaging and proÞ ling sonar. Within two years, the company had produced its Þ rst sonar Ð an im- aging head for the commercial underwater industry that was the unheard-of size of a coffee mug and rated for 300 m depth. Company milestones include introducing the industryÕs Þ rst digital color imaging sonar that could be operated from a computer without a dedicated processor in 1995; introduc-ing a sidescan sonar in 2000 with a revolutionary price/per- formance ratio; and developing a high quality, compact and cost-effective multibeam sonar with obstacle avoidance or proÞ ling conÞ gurations and optional depth ratings to 6,000 m. It is the companyÕs development of the lightweight, cost- effective Delta T multibeam sonar that is successfully bring- ing the beneÞ ts of real-time, high-resolution, 3D visualization within reach of operators that previously had to use mechani- cal scanning single-beam devices. The combination of reduced cost, high quality imaging and functionality of the Delta T and other Imagenex products has been increasing its popularity in the scientiÞ c market, and for commercial, recreational and search and rescue (SAR) applications around the globe.The Tech: The Tech: Imagenex has developed a reputation for products that break new ground for depth capability, size, cost, imaging quality and functionality. Innovation is both a goal and methodology for the company, which closely manages its product develop- ment, in order to control quality. As Imagenex continues to bring new products to market, it adds variations and improve- ments to existing equipment. New additions to the Imagenex line of cost-effective products have recently hit the market. The new DT100 Sensor Interface Relay (SIR) provides a central connection point for all your bathymetric sensors in-cluding sonar (1 or 2 units), GPS, MRU, Gyro/Heading, and Sound Velocity. IMAGENEX TECHNOLOGY CORP .IMAGENEX TECHNOLOGY CORP .209 ? 1875 Broadway 209 ? 1875 Broadway Street, Port Coquitlam, Street, Port Coquitlam, BC, Canada V3C 4Z1 BC, Canada V3C 4Z1Tel: 1(604) 944-8248 Tel: 1(604) 944-8248 E-mail: E-mail: Website: www.ima- Website: www.ima- President: Willy Wil-helmsenEmployees: 25 Southwest Electronic Energy Group 823 Buffalo Run, Missouri City, Texas 77489 Tel: 281-240-3586 Email: Website: CEO/President: Len Benckenstein Engineering Director: JJ Tumlinson Number of Employees: 75 Annual Sales: $30,000,000.00Testing: Southwest Electronic Energy (SWE), successfully com- pleted 10,000psi pressure testing of its SWE SeaSafe Smart Battery Module. The exhaustive two day test conducted in the 30 inch hyperbaric chamber at the third party test laboratory in- cluded nine complete pressure cycles up to 10,000 PSI and back down to zero psi while continuously performing live charge and discharge. In 2013, battery solutions innovator Southwest Electronic Energy Group announced breakthrough subsea ready, Li Ion battery products. SWE SeaSafe with its patented BMS (bat-tery management system) safely powers subsea vehicles or infrastructure with 4X energy. SeaSafe is available in Smart Modules for enclosure or multi-module, pressure equalized battery systems.The Tech: The Tech: SWE is continuously innovating battery technology for subsea. SeaSafe Li-ion batteries incorporate a patented bat-tery management system (BMS) delivering longer missions, longer life, breakthrough safety, reliability and conÞ gure-to-order ß exibility. SeaSafe Smart Modules are easy to use bat- tery building blocks for customers to integrate in their own enclosures. Modules are available in 29V or 24V sizes and can be connected in series or parallel to meet voltage and ca- pacity (Ah) needs. A single 29V smart module delivers 28Ah and 812 Wh of capacity when charged to 90% state of charge. Each smart module is autonomous (self-sufÞ cient) with its own BMS containing advanced algorithms for automatic and continuous safety protection, charge control and balancing. Modules are pressure tolerant to 6000m sea depth. Mod-ules are charged with a standard power supply eliminating the need for custom chargers. State-of-Charge (SOC) can be conÞ gured to optimize mission life and output proÞ le. Mod- ules are UN/DOT certiÞ ed. SeaSafe Battery Systems hold up to four Smart Modules in a subsea ready pressure equalized case. Each system delivers up to 130V/112Ah max. The pres- sure equalized case is built rugged from 316 stainless steel with Seacon Wet-Con connectors standard. SeaSafe Battery Systems are pressure equalized and tolerant to a 6000m sea depth. SWE has also developed SeaSafe Observer software. Observer is a powerful support tool to monitor the status of SeaSafe Smart Modules or SeaSafe Battery Systems.July/August 2013 74 MTRMTR #6 (66-80).indd 74MTR #6 (66-80).indd 747/23/2013 9:16:04 AM7/23/2013 9:16:04 AM