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MTR100important assets in a smart and effective manner to deliver to its marine customers interconnect systems that are 1) in-novative, 2) competitively priced and 3) which possess the highest levels of quality, reliability and performance. In ad- dition, the single go-to-market organization allows TMIS to better leverage its collective talents in the collaborative pursuit of business growth opportunities and provides greater value to customers by simplifying their interactions with Teledyne. From these attributes TMIS intends to develop lasting and du- rable business partnerships and become a ?trusted advisor? to its customers.And what are the challenges? Kikendall Challenges should be discussed in the context of objectives. From a business perspective, we always face competition. Strong competition is good for the market and truly fosters an acceleration of information. Competi-tion leads to better products at lower costs which ultimately results in more, high quality information. From an industry service perspective, challenges include uncertainty of markets which makes it dif -cult to plan and create a truly ef cient busi- ness model. From a technical perspective, our challenge is to of-fer increased capabil-ity via smaller, lower power, less expensive solutions. From a staf ng perspective, it is an ongoing chal-lenge to attract the talent required to continually advance the technology within our industry. This in- cludes fostering in-terest in students of every age in the won- der and excitement of marine science and technology. Gardner and Mulholland As with any large business inte- gration effort, there are always maturation issues that need to be overcome as previously separate organizations get ac- customed to aligning their internal activities along common policies and begin standardizing their processes in accordance with de ned ?best practices.? Where do you see growth opportunities in the sectors you serve? Altshuler I think that the offshore energy is still go- ing to be the hottest growth market. In the science market there are incredible require-ments, but the funding is chal- lenged. There?s the need; the question is; is there money? When you look at offshore, in- cluding renewable and oil and gas, those projects have very large, longer-term plays. So we?re seeing a very dynamic market, speci cally in South- east Asia. The other area where you have incredible pent-up opportunity is in the Polar re-gion. There is much unknown, but there are substantial po- tential opportunities both from the military and the energy markets. Kikendall We see broad growth opportunities. Speci cally, we continue to see growth in the energy markets, whether it is deep ocean oil and gas or renewable energy. We have also seen growth over the past couple of years in the transporta- tion infrastructure support market, particularly in the dredging and underwater inspection sector. On a worldwide basis, the autonomous underwater vehicle market continues to grow as this technology matures and expands in its capabilities. This, in turn, drives the sensing solutions as well as navigation solu- tions required to support these missions. On a regional basis, the inland and offshore market in China has been very strong for several years. How is your organization investing to further penetrate these opportunities? Kikendall Investments at Teledyne are strategically broad in nature and include: People and processes ? the right team using the right tools to yield continuous improvement; New products development to replace our legacy products, offering more precise and ef cient information gathering; ex- pansion into adjacent markets and business and product line acquisitions in the sensors, platforms, infrastructure, systems and navigation areas; and Advanced material sciences to help us understand and improve how our products will per- form in harsh environments. AltshulerMulhollandTELEDYNE RD I NSTRUMENTS ? TSS ? GEOPHYSICAL INSTRUMENTS ? BENTHOS ? WEBB RESEARCH ? GAVIA ? RESON ? ODOM ? BLUEVIEW ? ODI ? IMPULSE ? DGO EBB RESEARCH ? GAVIA ? RESON ? ODOM ? BLUEVIEW ? ODI ? IMPULSE ? DGO Marine Technology Reporter 47MTR #6 (34-49).indd 47MTR #6 (34-49).indd 477/23/2013 2:13:12 PM7/23/2013 2:13:12 PM