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MTR100Meridian Ocean Services, LLC seeks to differentiate itself from other subsea survey and inspection providers through its intense focus on innovation and creative deployment of vehi- cles. Meridian seeks ways to optimize ROV and AUV deploy- ment, operating lower cost and highly efÞ cient mid-sized vehi- cles. Meridian is focused on Òright-sizingÓ vehicle deployment, recognizing that not every job requires the expense, manpower and resource requirements of work class vehicles. By combin- ing this streamlined approach with an intense focus on identify-ing the premier imaging and survey tools available, Meridian can provide its clients with tailored, effective, cost efÞ cient and rapidly deployable solutions. The Company The Company Meridian Ocean Services, LLC provides critical subsea sur- veying and inspection services via the deployment and opera- tion of ROVs, Autonomous Underwater VehiclesAUVs and advanced subsea imaging technology. MeridianÕs equipment is ideal for short and long term deployments in the pipeline and oilÞ eld, engineering support, salvage response and oceano- graphic research markets. Meridian specializes in operating mid-size vehicles that pro- vide tremendous ß exibility for both inshore and offshore de- ployments. The company devotes extensive time and develop- ment efforts towards optimizing solutions that leverage both ROV and AUV capabilities simultaneously, allowing it to pro- vide innovative solutions to a variety of marine and government clients. The company also seeks to combine its subsea vehicle expertise with scalable technology solutions that automate many of the manual inspection processes still found in the ship- ping and offshore industries. Meridian was founded in 2012 and has ofÞ ces in Newport, RI, Houston, TX and Nassau, Bahamas. The Company oper- ates its own ß eet of vehicles and maintains an extensive partner network that enables Meridian to identify, locate and deploy - for any job, any client and at any time - the ideal vehicle, from micro to work class system. The Tech The Tech Meridian uses the latest in mid-sized ROVs and AUVs includ- ing Saab Seaeye, VideoRay and Iver vehicles, and advanced im- aging technology from vendors including Edgetech and Coda Octopus. Additionally, Meridian has developed patent-pending processes that focus not only on automating the inspection of ballast tanks and other liquid Þ lled structures, but also provid- ing objectivity, analytics and monitoring capabilities where lim- ited resources exist today. 10 Spring Wharf, Newport, RI 02840 10 Spring Wharf, Newport, RI 02840 Tel: (401) 439-8738 Tel: (401) 439-8738 Web: Web: Sales Agent: Sales Agent: Rainmaker LLC, 50 Briar Hollow Lane W., Ste. 405 Rainmaker LLC, 50 Briar Hollow Lane W., Ste. 405 Houston, TX 77027 Houston, TX 77027 Tel: (713) 202-5549 Tel: (713) 202-5549Web: Web: MERIDIAN OCEAN SERVICES, LLC MERIDIAN OCEAN SERVICES, LLC Blake NolanBlake NolanJuly/August 2013 42 MTRMTR #6 (34-49).indd 42MTR #6 (34-49).indd 427/19/2013 11:16:27 AM7/19/2013 11:16:27 AM