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Autonomous Underwater Vehicle manufacturer, BlueÞ n Ro- botics, has demonstrated rapid growth within the over the last two years with the build of several new vehicles and the ad- dition of a variety of development contracts to the companyÕs portfolio. Simultaneously, BlueÞ n has signiÞ cantly invested in its production infrastructure and resource skill set, nearly dou-bling its factory square-footage and doubling its workforce. The Company The Company BlueÞ n Robotics develops, builds, and operates Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs), subsea batteries, and related technologies for defense, commercial, and scientiÞ c customers worldwide. It offers a full range of modular, free-ß ooded AUV platforms. Using a core set of building blocks, it has designed over 50 different conÞ gurations. This includes over 70 different sensors on over 80 AUVsÑfar more than any other manufac- turer. The BlueÞ n team brings a unique set of skills including hard-won expertise in the application of advanced materials, systems, and technologies to real-life operating conditions. It offers research and development capabilities, technology inte- gration, full-scale manufacturing facilities, test and evaluation infrastructure, and customer support functions from training and marine operations to logistics and full life-cycle support. Head- quartered in Quincy, Massachusetts, BlueÞ nÕs 55,000-square- foot facility houses three ß oors of engineering, manufacturing, marine operations, and corporate administrative functions. With ample space for equipment and direct ocean access, we are able to design, build and test our systems all in a single location al- lowing our team to work efÞ ciently and effectively. In 1997, BlueÞ n was founded by a core group of engineers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) AUV Laboratory, and in 2005 became a wholly-owned subsidiary of Battelle. The Tech The Tech BlueÞ n RoboticsÕ standard AUVs are ß exible, modular sys- tems that enable easily reconÞ guration to meet varying and evolving needs. Each system utilizes Þ eld-replaceable batteries and removable data storage for efÞ cient mission turnaround and can accommodate on-deck maintenance and repairs. BlueÞ n vehicles are stable platforms capable of highly accurate navi- gation, yielding quality data even at the greatest depth. The vehicle, batteries and support equipment can be broken down and packed into easily air-shippable sections, making the sys- tem ideal for time-critical and remote operations. BlueÞ n Robotics continuously advances the state of AUV technology through internal R&D funding as well as through several development contracts including those for the Hull UUV Localization Systems (HULS) production systems, Surface Mine Countermeasures (SMCM) UUV, and Deep Sea Opera- tions Technology and System (DSOP) Development Program. Along with partners Battelle and The Columbia Group, BlueÞ n is developing Proteus, a large-diameter manned and unmanned vehicle that will function as a test bed. In July 2013, the team received an R&D 100 Award by R&D Magazine for the Proteus design. The company is also building its Þ rst prototype of a hybrid ROV called the Hawkes U-4000 ROV. The designs offer scal- able, modular solutions including a thin Þ ber-optic tether and on-board batteries that will reduce the total cost of ownership/ operating costs while simultaneously outperforming existing ROV technology. Lastly, BlueÞ n is engaged in several battery projects focusing on using the core components of its standard 1.5 kWh subsea battery for customer designs to support offshore infrastructure for the oil and gas sector. 553 South Street, Quincy, MA 02169 553 South Street, Quincy, MA 02169 Tel: (617) 715-7000 Tel: (617) 715-7000 Email: info@blue Þ Email: info@blue Þ Web: Þ Web: Þ President/CEO: David P. Kelly President/CEO: David P. Kelly CFO: Charles J. Koustas CFO: Charles J. Koustas COO: Jeff Smith COO: Jeff Smith Marketing Director/Sales Manager: Omer Poroy Marketing Director/Sales Manager: Omer Poroy Engineering Director: Louis Quartararo Engineering Director: Louis Quartararo BLUEFIN ROBOTICS CORPORATION BLUEFIN ROBOTICS CORPORATION MTR100July/August 2013 38 MTRMTR #6 (34-49).indd 38MTR #6 (34-49).indd 387/19/2013 11:16:02 AM7/19/2013 11:16:02 AM