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MTR100RPS Evans-Hamilton (RPS EHI) has a repu- tation for excellence in physical oceanography services, meteorological conditions studies, and other water-related measurements in often difÞ -cult environments all over the world. For more than 40 years RPS EHI has been dedicated to solving environmental problems in coastal and deep-water environments as well as inland rivers and lakes, through the use of both classical and innovative data acquisition sys- tems, modern data analysis techniques, and focus on customer needs, and attention to detail. RPS EH has proven experience and extensive knowl- edge in developing and utilizing a wide variety of metocean measurement instrumentation and sys-tems. It owns and maintains an extensive suite of oceanographic and freshwater instrumenta- tion. In addition it has experience in building and construction oversight of a wide variety of measurement platforms both in the offshore and nearshore environments. RPS Evans-Hamilton (RPS EHI) was founded in 1971 to provide met-ocean data collection services to the oil & gas industry as it expanded operations into the Gulf of Mexico. Over time, the company used expertise and experience gained working in the Gulf to support government agencies such as the US Army Corps of Engineers, NOAA, and the Mineral Management Service (now BOEM) as well as a variety private engineering and environmental Þ rms. In 2011, EHI became part of the RPS Group of companies worldwide RPS is one of the worldÕs pre-eminent consulting Þ rms, employing more than 5,000 people internationally and providing independent advice on the exploration and production of energy and other natural resources, and the development and management of the built and natural environment. RPS has ofÞ ces in the U.S., UK, Ireland, the Netherlands, Canada, Brazil, Africa, the Mid- dle East, Australia and Asia, and undertakes projects in many other parts of the world. Now rebranded as RPS Evans-Hamilton and partnering with our sister business units of RPS ASA in Rhode Island, and RPS Metocean Engineers in Perth, Australia, form the worldwide Metocean Sciences Division of RPS.The Tech The Tech Over the years RPS EHI has developed a wide array of methods and techniques for collecting met-ocean data. These methods are based on years of experience and innovation and are fo- cused on providing our clients with high quality data from start to Þ nish. The company under- stand that how the data is processed and analyzed is just as important as collecting it. To that end, it has developed an extensive suite of data pro- cessing tools designed to assure the quality and integrity of data through all phases of a study, from project planning and data acquisition through data analysis, submis-sion and archival. RPS EH has designed and manufactured an innovative trawl resistant bottom mount capable of supporting many different instrument payloads. The bottom mount comes in two sizes for varying current and sediment regimes. The mount con- tains a buoy retrieval system for diver-less recovery in a vari- ety of deployment depths. ModiÞ cations are presently being made to the recovery system to provide a one-size-Þ ts-all in rope lengths; for depths ranging from 3m to 100m depth. In recent years, as a result of scientiÞ c measurements col- lected in the arctic, RPS EH builds metocean data-collecting buoys to customer speciÞ cations. These buoys have since been built for regions from the arctic to the tropics. RPS EH also provides an interactive website to display and provide critical data supporting scientists and nautical mariners navi- gating in the regions the buoys are deployed. RPS E VANS -HAMILTON RPS E VANS -HAMILTON HEADQUARTERS: HEADQUARTERS: HOUSTON, TX: HOUSTON, TX: 3662 Westchase Drive, 3662 Westchase Drive, Houston TX 77042 Houston TX 77042 Tel: +1 (281) 495-0883 Tel: +1 (281) 495-0883 Fzx: +1 (281) 495-6159 Fzx: +1 (281) 495-6159 SEATTLE, WA: 4608 SEATTLE, WA: 4608 Union Bay Place NE, Union Bay Place NE, Seattle WA 98105 Seattle WA 98105 Tel: +1 (206) 526-5622 Tel: +1 (206) 526-5622 Fax: +1 (206) 526-5633 Fax: +1 (206) 526-5633 CHARLESTON, SC: 3319 CHARLESTON, SC: 3319 Maybank Highway, Maybank Highway, Johns Island, SC 29455 Johns Island, SC 29455Tel: + 843-377-0286; Tel: + 843-377-0286; Fax: +1 843-377-0287 Fax: +1 843-377-0287 Materials Systems Inc. 543 Great Road, Littleton, Mass., 01460 Tel: 978-486-0404 Email: Website: CEO/President: Carol W. Bowen, Ph.D. Vice President: Gerald SchmidtEngineering Director: Dr. Brian Pazol Number of Employees: 40 MSI (Materials Systems Inc.) designs and manufactures custom sonar trans- ducers and arrays for a wide range of applications, including harbor defense, side-scan, obstacle avoidance, sub- bottom proÞ ling, swath bathymetry, mine hunting, swimmer detection, and acoustic communications. MSIÕs piezo- composite technology offers extremely broad bandwidth, high receive sensi- tivity, high source levels, conformabil- ity for curved arrays, and reduced side lobes. MSI is in full scale production on a variety of commercial and industrial customers. MSI is ISO 9001:2008 certi-Þ ed.MSIÕs piezocomposite arrays deliver broad bandwidth, enabling broad spec-trum (chirp) and multi-frequency oper- ating techniques which provide greater resolution. MSIÕs piezocomposite ar- rays can also be curved and shaded to 20 MTRJuly/August 2013 MTR #6 (18-33).indd 20MTR #6 (18-33).indd 207/22/2013 9:36:54 AM7/22/2013 9:36:54 AM