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Falmouth Scienti Þ c Enhanc- es the Bubble Gun Family Falmouth ScientiÞ c, Inc. (FSI), a leader in precision oceanographic instrumenta-tion and marine systems integration, is further developing its product line of HMS-620 Bubble Gun seismic systems and has announced two important en- hancements.According to the manufacturer, FSIÕs Bubble Gun Systems are designed for small boat shallow water surveys. Data collected with the HMS-620 rivals that of much larger, heavier and more expen- sive air-gun, boomer and sparker sys- tems, and its small size makes it easily deployable without the need for heavy machinery, winches or cranes. Bubble Gun systems uses a 15 cu. in. air volume to generate narrow band, low frequency acoustic signals, a technology designed to provide superior signal pen- etration through coarse sand, gravel tills and other difÞ cult to penetrate sediments. By adding a second transmit channel to the existing transceiver enclosure and by synchronizing the two signal gen- erators, FSI has realized signiÞ cantly higher energy output, which results in much deeper signal penetration. The two Bubble Gun source transducers can be mounted together on one tow vehicle or can be conÞ gured as two separate single-source vehicles. All of FSIÕs Bubble Gun systems can be Þ tted with a 24 VDC power option which allows them to be powered by lead-acid marine batteries. Shark Debuts New Product Shark Marine Technologies Inc. of St.Catharines, Ontario, Canada, an-nounced a new topside video controller with a built-in digital recorder and 15Ó daylight viewable monitor. The SV-DCC controller, records real-time video to SD memory cards and is backwards com- patible with Shark MarineÕs entire line of Standard Video, underwater cameras and lights. Selectable recording modes allow for 16 to 49 hours of recording time on the included 16G SD card and double that amount on an optionally available 32G. The 15Ó, 1500 nit dis- play mounted in the lid of the control-lers rugged case provides a crisp, clear image of the underwater operations for the topside operator. Other readily avail- able options include GPS Overlay, Key- board/text overlay and built-in video enhancement features such as LYNN or Helios. Ecossee Trenching Plough Ecosse Subsea SystemÕs SCAR subsea trenching plough can be operated from a range of vessels, including anchor han- dlers and multicats and launched/recov- ered over the stern roller, negating the need for expensive vessel hire and lifting equipment. It can be operated by four to six man crews and when used for Burial Assessment Surveys it aids project plan- ning by providing data on soil strengths, tow force requirements, speed, route mapping and identiÞ es variations and potential problems. SCAR can deliver a Þ rst pass of a multi-pass cable trenching solution, will clear and prepare a route for the trenching phase and cut the ini-tial Siemens SubseaAll-Electric Tube Bending for Production of Subsea Hydraulic Flying LeadsSiemens Subsea Products has chosen an all-electric tube bender from Unison to improve the quality and speed the production of the small-bore hydraulic tubes it uses on subsea hydraulic ß ying leads with Multiple Quick Connections (MQC), Cobra Heads and associated offshore oil and gas recovery equip- ment. The tubes feature complex bends of extremely high accuracy, and until now the company has either fabricated them manually or bought them in as pre-formed sub-assemblies. Siemens Subsea Products produces a wide range of subsea electric, Þ ber optic and hydraulic power and control systems for offshore oil and gas subsea applica- tions. Its hydraulic workshop at Kongs- berg in Norway operates world-class fabrication and assembly processes, pro- ducing systems for direct sales and third-party suppliers. As part of its strategy to expand manufacturing capabilities in this specialist Þ eld, the company recent- ly reviewed tube bending automation, starting by comparing the performance of a number of leading hydraulic and all-electric tube bending machines.The tube bender supplied to Siemens Subsea is a 25 mm model based on UnisonÕs popular Breeze platform of all-electric machines and incorporates a Ôrise and fallÕ pressure die which enables it to perform right- and Marine Technology Reporter 59MTR #3 (50-64).indd 59MTR #3 (50-64).indd 594/4/2013 10:12:35 AM4/4/2013 10:12:35 AM