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SeaBotix recently in-troduced a new product called SeaLift, which builds on the core vLBV vectored MIniROV systems by adding four additional verti- cal thrusters. With six vertical thrusters, SeaLift can lift up to 18 kg and still ma-neuver. The ability to lift, move and de- ploy heavy objects came at the request of a SeaBotix client that needed a small portable system and deep depth rating. Lifting the object(s) is one thing, keep- ing the ROV stable and able to maneu- ver is another. The SeaLift has a pivot- ing grabber system where an object can be grasped in front of the ROV and then the grabber rotates down to position the payload centered under the ROV. This method enables the SeaLift vehicle to maintain a horizontal attitude for opti-mal maneuverability. Objects can be picked up, moved and placed with great precision. The SeaLift is available in 300 and 950m depth ratings and as an upgrade kit to existing vLBV clients. Hydroid reports that af-ter extensive trials by the German Bundeswehr Tech- nical Center for Ships and Naval Weap- ons (WTD 71) in Eckernfoerde, the Federal OfÞ ce of Defence Technology & Procurement (BWB) in Koblenz has placed a contract for six REMUS 100 Autonomous Underwater Vehicles man- ufactured by Hydroid, Inc. (a Kongsberg Company) to enhance the capabilities of the German NavyÕs mine divers. Deliv- ery of the REMUS 100 systems and op-erational training of military personnel will occur during the next 12 months. The easy to handle REMUS 100 AUV is equipped with side-scan sonar and various other oceanographic sensors. It navigates by transponder interrogation and DVL-aided inertial dead reckoning in pre-programmed missions. The re- corded data will be used to search for mines, lost objects, debris and wrecks or simply to collect topographic ocean ß oor mapping for hydrographic and sci- entiÞ c applications. The REMUS 100 is a compact, light-weight AUV designed for operation in underwater environments up to 100 me- ters deep. The vehicle can be conÞ gured with a wide variety of standard and/or customer-speciÞ ed sensors and system options in order to meet specialized mis-sion requirements.Marine Technology Reporter MTR #1 (18-33).indd 31MTR #1 (18-33).indd 312/1/2013 1:18:27 PM2/1/2013 1:18:27 PM