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Monitoring & Sensors Market and Technology Trends in Underwater Sensors & Instumentation Underwater sensors and instrumentation have been developed for a broad range of activities ? including mapping the sea oor, communicating underwater, locating underwater objects, and ob- serving underwater animals and plants ? carried out by gov- ernment, industry, and the scienti c research community. The Duke University Center on Globalization, Governance & Competitiveness (CGGC) recently completed a study on the global value chains of ocean technologies, including under- water sensors and instrumentation, for a consortium led by Nova Scotia?s Department of Economic and Rural Develop- ment and Tourism (ERDT). Excerpts from the report on the market and technology trends in acoustic and non-acoustic underwater sensors and instrumentation are provided in this article.Market trends in sensors and instrumentation [Please note: trade information for underwater sensors is cap- tured by the Harmonized System (HS) code 9014 and 9015 of the United Nation?s Comtrade database. Unfortunately, these data are inextricable from data tracking ?above-water? sen- sors; HS 9014 and 9015 capture all navigational and survey By Joonkoo Lee, Hanyang University (South Korea) Mary Turnipseed, University of California - Santa Barbara (U.S.A.) Lukas Brun, Duke University (U.S.A.) Total (HS 9014 & 9015) Navigational instruments(HS 9014)Surveying instruments (HS 9015)World Exports $16.0 billionWorld Exports $5.8 billionWorld Exports$10.1 billion USA21.6%Germany 16.4%USA26.4% United Kingdom13.4%France 13.9%United Kingdom13.4% Germany11.3%United Kingdom 13.5%France9.5% France10.7%USA 13.3%Germany8.3% Canada5.1%Italy9.5%China6.3% Canada4.2%Canada5.6% Source: Duke CCCG, compiled from UN Comtrade Table 1: Leading exporters of navigational and survey instruments, 2011 November/December 201236 MTRMTR #9 (34-49).indd 36MTR #9 (34-49).indd 3611/29/2012 11:29:20 AM11/29/2012 11:29:20 AM