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connect to the system seamlessly. The stored metadata also allows centralized calibration of sensors and easy Þ eld-swapping as well as affordable redun- dancy. High-Accuracy SensorsBuilding an EXO system with the de-sired sensors - such as fDOM, chloro-phyll ß uorescence, cyanobacteria ß uo-rescence, turbidity, optical dissolved oxygen, pH, and ORP - is as easy as plugging the sensor into one of the smart ports via the Impulse wet mate connectors. An auxiliary port is also available for easy integration of a third- party sensor or for daisy-chaining mul-tiple EXO sondes. ÒOne of the biggest headaches is inte-gration,Ó says Ellison. ÒSo, an exciting feature of the EXO platform is its smart ports, which automatically recognize the sensors plugged into them and com-municate this data to the data logger or DCP, thus streamlining what was once a complex set-up process.Ó The EXO2 platform, designed for long-term monitoring, offers six sensor ports in addition to the CTD as well as a central port of the antifouling wiper and an auxiliary port. The EXO1 platform is designed for shorter term monitor- ing, proÞ ling and sampling applications with three sensor ports in addition to the CTD. Either platform can be conÞ gured quickly in the Þ eld for a broad variety of applications. Rugged Materials for Extreme Environments The materials used in EXO provide unprecedented reliability in Þ eld appli-cations, such as long-term monitoring and vertical proÞ ling to 250-m depth. Monitoring EXO1 and EXO2 sondes use unique combinations of poly-mers, metals and other rugged materials for strength and durabili-ty. Cutaway view shows the patented reinforced internal structure.November/December 2012MTR #9 (18-33).indd 26MTR #9 (18-33).indd 2611/29/2012 11:03:39 AM11/29/2012 11:03:39 AM