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October 2012Rhonda Moniz is an ROV Pilot/ Engineer, Diving Safety Of Þ cer and Underwater Cinematrographer. Moniz is founder and Director of Operations for Benthic Exploration. Philip A. McGil- livary, US Coast Guard PACAREA, Alameda, CADr. McGillivary coordinates sci- ence for the US Coast Guard Paci Þ c command and US icebreakers. João Borges de Sousa, Dept. Elec-trical & Computer Engineering, Univ. Porto, Portugal João Borges de Sousa is with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Porto University in Portugal where he is also the head of the Underwater Systems and Technologies Labora- tory. Ricardo Martins, Underwater Sys- tems & Technology Lab, Univ. Porto, Portugal Ricardo Martins became a researcher at Porto Univer- sity?s Underwater Systems and Tech- nology Laboratory in 2005, where he is the chief software architect in charge of the software used in all of its autonomous vehicles. John ?Chip? Ryther is the Marine Op-erations Manager at CR Environmen- tal, Inc. He has managed NOAA funded grants for the training of Þ shermen and out Þ t-ting their vessels and used Þ shing vessels for oceanographic survey operations for over 30 years. Chris Wright is an ACSM Certi Þ ed Hydrographer at CR Environmental, Inc. with 18 years of technical expe- rience. He specializes in the interpre- tation and visualization of acoustic data; and ensured the Jamie Hanna was properly out Þ tted for multibeam bathymetric surveys. Eli Perrone is a senior technician and computer specialist at CR Environmental, Inc. with 10 years of experience in oceanographic operations. He assisted in the design and layout of the Jamie Hanna pilot- house and electronics installation for scientiÞ c studies. An expert in de- fense and mari- time solutions, Kevin Ruelas is the CEO of Chan-nel Technologies Group, an integrated manufacturer of piezoceramic components, transduc- ers and sonar technology. MonizContentsVolume 55 Number 8 Exploring Europa?s Ocean Exploring Europa?s Ocean Talk about new frontiers: There is a project underway to create a system to explore the oceans on Europa, which lie under a thick, frozen crust, 390,400,000 miles from earth. $140M Subsea Ship$140M Subsea Ship What will $140m buy you these days? Plenty, if you?re shopping for an ultra-modern subsea vessel. The OceanographerThe OceanographerRear Adm. Jonathon White assumes the title of ?Oceanographer of the U.S. Navy. Authors in this edition Authors in this edition McGillivary de SousaMartins RytherWright Perrone Ruelas81051October 20124 MTRMTR #8 (1-17).indd 4MTR #8 (1-17).indd 410/4/2012 10:29:49 AM10/4/2012 10:29:49 AM