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The Case The Case Dating back to 1968 Klein Associates, Inc. became the Þ rst commercial manufacturer of side scan sonar in the world. Since then, L-3 Klein has become the leading supplier of side scan sonar equipment and waterside security and surveillance systems to navies, shipbuilders, secure installations, research- ers, oil and gas explorers and hydrographers all over the globe. The Company The Company Side scan sonar is still its primary busi- ness, and in the tradition of Marty Klein, the company continues to work to produce the most innovative and productive systems pos- sible. In 2010, the company announced that in addition to its successful product lineup that includes the workhorse Klein 3000, the Klein 3900 SAR, the Multi-beam Klein 5000 V2 (available with interferometric bathym- etry), and the minehunting SSS of all-time, the Klein 5900. In 2011, we introduced the all-new HydroChart 5000 hydrography sys- tem that combines high-resolution 455 kHz Multibeam side scan sonar with high-deÞ -nition Interferometric bathymetry sonar for the most spectacular IHO quality imagery possible. In addition, we also introduced the UUV-3500 High Resolution Side Scan sonar for UUVs. The UUV-3500 operates exclu- sively with L-3 KleinÕs proprietary wide- band technology providing side scan range and resolution performance in a low power, compact and lightweight payload. And now in 2012 the company has introduced its new HydroScan, professional-grade side scan so-nar (pictured inset below) for shallow water and rapid-deployment applications. The Tech The Tech The all-new HydroScan is a professional- grade side scan sonar for shallow water and rapid deployment applications. L-3 KleinÕs proprietary Wideband technology provides side scan range and resolution in a compact, one-man portable package. The UUV 3500 was developed as a side scan sonar with the unprecedented beneÞ t of an advanced bathym- etry payload for the growing Autonomous Un- derwater Vehicle (AUV), Remotely Operated Underwater Vehicle (ROV) and UUV mar- kets. In addition, the new system utilizes L-3 KleinÕs proprietary wideband technology for unmatched range and resolution while operat-ing at lower power to deliver superior capabili- ty at a highly affordable price. The HydroChart 5000 represents the latest technology for the acquisition; display and processing of highly accurate bathymetry data integrated with high resolution side scan imagery, meeting IHO SP- 44 Special Order Standards. 11 Klein Drive, Salem, 11 Klein Drive, Salem, NH 03079 NH 03079 Tel: 603 893 6131 Tel: 603 893 6131 Email: Klein.Mail@L- Email: Klein.Mail@L- Website Website : : CEOCEO: John Cotumaccio Fa Facilitycility: L-3 Klein is head- quartered in Salem, New Hampshire and is a design and manufacturing facility of approximately 56,000 square feet conveniently located approximately 30 miles Northwest of Boston, Massachusetts. A Department of Defense Secret facility clearance operating in compliance with the National Industrial Security Operating Manual (NISPOM) is in place at this facility. The facility contains two sonar test tanks, the largest of which contains approximately 16,000 cubic feet of water, a state of the art temperature and humidity controlled trans- ducer laboratory and the latest in digital design and manufacturing equipment. Employees Employees: 66 L-3 C OMMUNICATIONS KLEIN ASSOCIATES , INC.L-3 C OMMUNICATIONS KLEIN ASSOCIATES , Marine Technology Reporter 51MTR #6 (50-65).indd 51MTR #6 (50-65).indd 518/2/2012 10:15:28 AM8/2/2012 10:15:28 AM