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connectors, through to the highly specialized Field Installable MUX connector solutions. We also count amongst our key strengths the industry leading underwater mateable HydraL- ight Þ ber optic connector system. This is really only part of the bigger story surrounding the key strengths of SEA CON. In addition to our standard range of products we are also on a journey of constant review and innovation where our customer requirements are concerned. Where it is not possible to deliver a standard solution, we will develop one that fully meets with their speciÞ c requirements. This capability to meet needs, even when the need cannot be met by a standard solution, comes from the multiple divisions within SEA CON. Each division has a speciÞ c product focus, but also increases its reach through its own engineering and development expertise, allowing it to modify, innovate and combine to address the customers needs. The Þ nal part of this advantage is our capability to pool resources across the divi- sions to look for new solutions. How is your company investing today? SEA CON has always taken a serious approach to- wards investment, the amount of time, effort and resources we place in our development of products, as well as the services we provide our customers. We see this as a vital component to our overall corporate strategy. A key area for investment is to expand and develop the use of Þ ber optics. A good example of this is the developments made a few years ago after identifying the need for a hybrid optical/ electrical connector as an off the shelf product. This lead the business to develop the Opti-Con connector range available in Þ ve main shell sizes with channels conÞ gurable to either opti- cal or electrical, or even blanked out if not needed. Until Opti- Con became available, the hybrid connectors were selected from existing conÞ gurations. When this was not available tooling manufacture was required which lead to lead-time and cost impacts. Fiber optics remains one of our leading focuses for invest- ment. Most recent has been the development and qualiÞ cation of the SEA CON Precision MKII hose conduit. This together with the development of a Subsea Umbilical Termination As- sembly (SUTA), has enabled SEA CON to be in a position to supply complete systems solutions for the subsea control market. What new products/systems have you recently launched (or will soon launch) that you deem impor- tant for this sector? SEA CON is not a business known for standing still and so in recent times we have launched a number of new and modiÞ ed products and into the future we have established plans to continue to push the boundaries through modiÞ ca-tions, innovations and new products. Our divisions give us the A prime example of this is SEA CONÕs commitment to sup- porting the use of Þ ber optics within the Oil & Gas industry through the development of dry-mate optical products, in- cluding the MINI-CON and OPTI-CON connector series, the underwater mateable HYDRALIGHT connector and even the down-hole multi channel Þ ber optic G3 connector series. To achieve this broad spectrum of product supply and service, the SEA CON group has six globally located manufacturing facilities, each staffed with highly experienced design/devel- opment teams. SEA CON maintains multiple CNC machin-ing departments, routinely manufacturing electrical contacts from 28 AWG to components weighing hundreds of pounds. SEA CON also has several molding departments with a wide variety of composites/elastomers and an in-house glass to metal sealing facility. To complement our design and manu- facturing capabilities, SEA CON has extensive in-house test- ing capabilities that includes, electrical, optical, dimensional, pressure, shock, vibration, axial pull equipment all with ex- perienced staff. To support its product in the Þ eld SEA CON provides a 24/7 Þ eld service support through its many highly trained Þ eld service teams. The Tech The Tech SEA CON has been providing products and services to many harsh environmental markets over the years and has been proud to provide some of the most leading edge solu- tions available in the market. This focus on technology can be traced back many years through products like the ALL- WET connector series. These connectors not only provided the market with the ability to mate electrical connectors ÔwetÕ, but gave the ß exibility of connecting multiple individual in- struments, lights, etc into a single interface connection point on a control pod with the further development of the ÔSplitÕ ALL-WET connector range. As markets change SEA CON has adapted existing products to meet market needs. The MSS Range has been one of the main product lines for SEA CON, providing high contact density and a variety of power and signal conÞ gurations. This series has also provided SEA CON with the ability to meet the requirements of API-16D standards with the inclusion of Ôtest portsÕ at seal interfaces. SEA CON SEA CON 1700 GILLESPIE WAY, EL CAJON CALIFORNIA 92020 1700 GILLESPIE WAY, EL CAJON CALIFORNIA 92020 Tel: (619) 562-7070 Tel: (619) 562-7070 E-mail: E-mail: Website: Website: CEO: Patrick G. Simar Employees: 700 July/August 2012 48 MTRMTR #6 (34-49).indd 48MTR #6 (34-49).indd 488/1/2012 12:59:24 PM8/1/2012 12:59:24 PM