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OHMSETT ? The National Oil Spill Response Research & Renewable Energy Test Facility is located in Leonardo, NJ. It provides independent and objective performance testing of full- scale oil spill response equipment and marine renewable energy systems (wave energy conversion devices), and is dedicated to improving technologies through research and development. It is the largest outdoor saltwater wave/tow tank facility in North America and is the only facility where full-scale oil spill response equipment testing, research, and training can be con-ducted in a marine environment with oil under controlled envi- ronmental conditions (waves and oil types). With recent empha- sis on developing renewable energy sources, Ohmsett?s mission has expanded to offer a research and testing venue for wave en- ergy conversion devices. The facility consists of a large outdoor above-ground concrete test tank measuring 667 feet long by 65 feet wide by 8 feet deep lled with 2.6 million gallons of crystal clear salt water, conference rooms, maintenance/machine shop, oil/water chemistry laboratory, and of ces. The U.S Department of Interior?s, Bureau of Safety and Envi- ronmental Enforcement (BSEE) operates the Ohmsett facility as part of its mandated requirements to ensure that the best and safest technologies are used in offshore oil and gas operations. Ohmsett plays a critical role in developing effective response technologies and represents an intermediate step between small scale bench testing and open water testing of equipment. The facility has the capability to test and evaluate oil spill response technologies such as: chemical treating agents and dispersants, re-resistant containment booms, remote sensing and detection instruments, sorbent materials, temporary stor- age devices, viscous oil pumping units and oil water separa- tors. In addition, Ohmsett provides a venue for rst responders with the most realistic hands-on training available, providing them with skills for rapid and ef cient response to an actual spill event. Ohmsett?s wave generator can generate random waves that closely approximate waves in the ocean, such as sinusoidal and harbor chop, Pierson-Moskowitz, JONSWAP, and Frequency Modulated (FM) Slide, with scalable ocean wa- ter depth, wind speed, and model scale factor. Optech is a leader in the development, manufacture and sup- port of advanced lidar and camera survey instruments. Optech offers both standalone and fully integrated solutions in airborne mapping, airborne lidar bathymetry, mobile mapping, terrestrial laser scanning, mine cavity monitoring, and industrial process control, as well as space-proven sensors. Airborne Survey: Optech?s airborne survey products excel in the ef cient acquisition of high-accuracy spatial data over land and water. Available in both application and platform-dependent con gurations, Optech ALTMs offer the greatest exibility and ef ciency available to the professional surveyor today. Optech also offers a complete line of robust and high-performance digital aerial cameras, both standalone and lidar-integrated. Mobile Survey: Optech?s Lynx Mobile Mapper is a mo- bile mapping system that integrates lidar sensors with imag-ing, navigation and product warranty and support. Terrestrial Survey: Optech?s ILRIS Terrestrial Laser Scanner is a complete, portable, laser-based 3D imaging and digitizing system for the commercial survey, engineering, mining and industrial markets. The Tech The Tech Optech CZMIL is an airborne coastal zone mapping system that produces simultaneous high-resolution 3D data and imag-ery of the beach and shallow water sea oor, including coastal topography, benthic classi cation and water column character- ization. CZMIL performs particularly well in shallow, turbid waters. Its bathymetric lidar is integrated with a hyperspectral imaging system and Optech digital metric camera. Optech Hy-droFusion, a powerful end-to-end software suite, handles all three sensors?from mission planning through to fused lidar and imagery data sets. ALTM Aquarius - Compact Shallow Water Mapping Sensor: Optech?s ALTM Aquarius is an innovative solution for mapping coastal and inland waterways. Compatible with the ALTM Gemini system, Aquarius collects simultaneous land and water-depth measurements, enabling wholly com- plete data sets that span the land/water interface. Designed as a complementary sensor to Optech?s full-featured lidar bathymetry systems, Aquarius provides depth information in relatively shallow water environments not previously ac- cessible to conventional topographic mapping sensors alone. OHMSETT OHMSETT OPTECH INCORPORATED OPTECH INCORPORATED Atlantic Highlands Atlantic Highlands NJ 07716 NJ 07716 Tel: (732) 866- Tel: (732) 866- 7055 7055E-mail: Matthew. E-mail: Matthew. Website: www. Website: www. CEO: BSEE Employees: 16 300 Interchange Way, Vaughan Ontario L4K 5Z8 300 Interchange Way, Vaughan Ontario L4K 5Z8 Canada CanadaTel: +1 905 660 0808 Tel: +1 905 660 0808 E-mail: E-mail: Website: Website: CEO: Don Carswell Employees: 285 22 MTRJuly/August 2012 MTR #6 (18-33).indd 22MTR #6 (18-33).indd 228/1/2012 1:24:16 PM8/1/2012 1:24:16 PM