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New Torpedo Range Record Atlas Elektronik increased the reach of its torpedoes, setting a new range record. At a test- Þ ring in March 2012, the heavy- weight torpedo SeaHake mod4 ER (Extended Range) achieved a range of over 140 km. SeaHake mod 4 is the latest advance- ment of the DM 2 A4 heavyweight torpedo, which is in service with the German Navy as well as the navies of Turkey, Pakistan and Spain. It extended its range by fully exploiting the system?s unique propulsion and battery technology. The new version of the SeaHake mod4 is also Þ tted with innovative navigation and communications technology, enabling extremely precise navigation and control of the torpedo over the entire distance. The SeaHake mod4 ER can be deployed from seagoing plat- forms as well as from special land-based platforms. SeaView: Modi Þ cation for SAAB Seaeye Falcon DR ROV SeaView Systems released its new ROV service line built around a modiÞ cation to the Þ ber optic SAAB Seaeye Falcon DR ROV. At Þ rst look the modiÞ cation is a bolt on skid that provides a full second suite of Þ ve thrusters to the ROV. Working in a Master/Slave con Þ guration, the Rap- tor skid taps into the Falcon DR?s data network and emulates the com- mands given to the Falcon DR ROV thereby providing double the thrust while providing 100% redundancy of system propulsion with no inter- ference to the original ROV. Not so readily apparent are electrical and software enhancements which, when integrated with a Doppler Velocity Log (DVL) aided Inertial Navigation System (INS), provide Dynamic Po- sitioning (DP) for performing highly accurate, repeatable HD video and multi-beam sonar surveys (environmental, ordinance disposal, route, asset inspection, and wreck survey). OSIL: New Oil in Water Monitoring Buoy OSIL debuted its new Oil in Water Monitoring buoy, a rapid deployment option for lo- calized spill events and preventative monitoring. The buoy system is designed for short term monitoring (up to 24 months) and emergency deployment in sheltered coastal and inshore areas, where deployment from a small vessel, or by a single person, may be required. The lightweight, low-cost buoy is designed to be handled by one person in the Þ eld, weighing just 25kg, and being only 60cm in diameter and 2.0m in overall length. Detection of hydrocarbons in the water column is performed by a submersible sensor. Sensors are available for both crude oil and re Þ ned fuels, and are protected from collision damage within the robust central structure. This has been designed to accommodate a multiparameter sonde or similar instrument, meaning the system can also be equipped with a range of sensors to measure and report other water quality parameters.The system itself is powered by two 5W solar panels, and is equipped with battery backup, navigation and warning lights, and any other markings as necessary. A range of telemetry options are available (UHF/VHF, GSM, GPRS, Satellite), selected to suit both the location and application requirements. OSIL provide a complete data telemetry solution, including either desk top or web-based software packages to ac- cess the data, ensuring constant and immediate data collection. Marine Technology Reporter 59MTR #5 (50-64).indd 59MTR #5 (50-64).indd 595/31/2012 1:23:49 PM5/31/2012 1:23:49 PM