View non-flash version Marine Technology Reporter 93to view the newest addi- tions to thiswell-respected company?s advanced prod- uct range. The DMS-535RP will be seen for the first time at the show as the latest addition to the company?s new DMS-500 group of products. These have all been developed specif- ically to meet the needs of users whorequire a top-quality motion sensor with Ethernet connectivity, but do not require the subsea-rated housings that typify Teledyne TSS products. Booth No. Titanium IndustriesCutTI Logo Titanium Industries is a large independentstockholder andprocessor of Titanium and high per- formance metals with current stocks of over $55m in titanium alone. Titanium Industries are a world class supplier of only qualified titaniumand high performance metals to Gas & Oil, Aerospace, Medical, and other High Technology Industries operat- ing from 17 sites around the world. The HPM stock range includes 625and 718 alloys. Booth No. Tritech Tritech specialis- es in the produc- tion of high per-formance acousticsensors, sonars,video cameras and mechanical tool-ing equipment for professional underwater markets including; defence, energy, engineering, survey and underwater vehicles. Tritech remains the industry leader in the provision of sensors and tools for ROV and AUV markets. Visit us on stand J400, to learn about our latestproducts for 2012; including the SeaKing Hammerhead package and the Gemini Multibeam Family. The MTR#2 (82-96):MTR Layouts 2/22/2012 11:18 AM Page 93